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Foreclosure Listings - A Wide Range of Excellent Housing Choices
Source: Will GrantUnited States

Just what exactly are foreclosure listings? This is one of those terms that actually includes a lot of things. Foreclosure listings cover a wide range of excellent housing choices for anyone who is looking for cheaper housing options than those that are available through conventional means. Foreclosure listings include foreclosure properties from several government agencies, such as HUD, VA, IRS, etc. {a href=" http://www.foreclosuredatabank.com/foreclosure_listings.htm "}Foreclosure listings also include pre-foreclosures. These are houses that have not been foreclosed upon yet, but are going to be if the homeowner does not come up with a solution to catch up on the mortgage payments that are in arrears. They also include properties that have been foreclosed upon and are going up for sale at an auction. Still another category of foreclosures under the heading of foreclosure listings can be bank owned or REO properties. These are foreclosed homes and properties that did not sell at auction, and the property ownership was transferred to the bank that made the original loan on the property.

Because foreclosure listings include so many different types of foreclosures, they are a very good way to get a good idea about the foreclosure market in a target area. It is possible to find one or several of each type of foreclosure listing that is within both your price range and your desired criteria of things that are required in a new property along with the things that you would like as possible extra amenities. Foreclosure listings give anyone a great way to compile a realistic list of possible properties to check out.

There are, of course, many ways to get foreclosure listings, but by far the best way is to find a good online listing service that offers top of the line foreclosure services. This does not mean that all online servers of foreclosure listings do the same thing. Some offer more up to date listings than others, and the best ones offer additional helpful information and articles about how to buy foreclosures, tips and helpful hints about the different types of foreclosure listings and other tidbits that will help you feel comfortable with purchasing a foreclosed home. A good listing service will also have customer support to answer your questions, and around the clock access to the latest {a href=" http://www.foreclosuredatabank.com/foreclosure_listings.htm "}foreclosure listings all around the U.S.

While there are several good foreclosure listings services available to the discerning consumer, Foreclosure Data Bank gives you the best service for your time and money. We have very satisfied subscribers and feel that our service is one of the best you could possibly want. We urge you to view our site today for all kinds of foreclosure listings that may be right for you.

HUD Homes - Special Deals for Those in Certain Professions

Have you ever thought about buying HUD homes? Many people have. HUD homes are traditionally cheaper than other homes that are similar in size and location. The good news is that there are HUD homes in practically every city and town in the U.S. One thing that a lot of people may not know about HUD homes is that the government provides programs that are designed to help sell {a href=" http://www.foreclosuredatabank.com/hud_homes.htm"}HUD homes to deserving recipients at a bargain price.

One such program is the Good Neighbor Next Door Program. This is a program designed to help firefighters, EMTs, police officers and teachers purchase HUD homes at discounted prices in order to encourage them to move into a neighborhood. The theory behind the Good Neighbor Next Door program is that it is highly beneficial to have people in these professions in neighborhoods. The government also believes this will help to build strong, safe neighborhoods. Firefighters and EMTs can contribute their knowledge and expertise to the area. It has always been a good thing to have police officers in a neighborhood, as it tends to make the area safer for other residents. Teachers are also another valuable public employee, and it is helpful for both the teacher and the neighborhood for them to purchase a home at a discounted price.

Anyone who is a full time firefighter, EMT, police officer or teacher in any public or private school can qualify for this program. They do not even have to be first time home buyers, although they cannot already own a home to be eligible for this program. The best part of it is that these professionals can purchase HUD homes in certain revitalization areas for half of the asking price. This means that if the asking price on a HUD home is $100,000, these people can purchase the property for $50,000. This is an amazing bargain, and people in these professions are well-deserving of such a deal. To make it even better, these professionals can also apply for an FHA mortgage loan, which requires only a $100 down payment, and the closing costs can be financed with the mortgage instead of having to pay them up front.

If the home is one of the HUD homes that needs some repairs, then these professionals also have the option of getting an FHA 203(k) mortgage loan, which allows them to finance both the mortgage loan and the costs for repairs into one low monthly payment. Since some HUD homes do require some renovations, this is an excellent option so that the renovations can be done right away, and simply financed into the mortgage loan. This prevents a lot of out-of-pocket expenses.

HUD homes are an easily affordable option for these professionals, and the federal government is anxious to have these people in neighborhoods where they can help improve the community. Searching for {a href=" http://www.foreclosuredatabank.com/hud_homes.htm"}HUD homes that qualify for this program can be done at Foreclosure Data Bank, which has plenty of listings of HUD homes in every part of the U.S.

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