Sale of Lands for Tax Arrears
by Public Tender
TAKE NOTICE that tenders are invited for the purchase of the land(s)
described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on April 12,
2010, at St. Thomas City Hall, 545 Talbot Street, St. Thomas, Ontario.
The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day at St. Thomas City
Hall, 545 Talbot Street, St. Thomas, Ontario at 3:30 p.m.
Description of Lands:
Part Lot 6, Block B, Plan 140; St. Thomas being PIN 35230-0128 (R) and
known municipally as a vacant lot, Balfour Street, St. Thomas, Ontario
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 11,603.54
Description of Lands:
Lots 26, 31, Plan 192 St. Thomas; Part Race to Mill, Plan 192 St. Thomas
as in E112772(C); St. Thomas being the whole of PIN 35155-0186 (LT)
and known municipally as a vacant lot on the North Side of Southwold
Street, St. Thomas, Ontario
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 9,247.10 
Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be accompanied
by a deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank draft or cheque
certified by a bank or trust corporation payable to the municipality and
representing at least 20 per cent of the tender amount.
Except as follows, the municipality makes no representation regarding the
title to or any other matters relating to the land to be sold. Responsibility for
ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers.
This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal Tax
Sales Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will be required
to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and the relevant land
transfer tax.
The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the
successful purchaser.
For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the prescribed form
of tender contact:
Sherry Kingswood
Tax Collector
The Corporation of the City of St. Thomas
545 Talbot Street
P.O. Box 520
(143-P082) St. Thomas, Ontario N5P 3V7
TAKE NOTICE that tenders are invited for the purchase of the land(s)
described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on April
7, 2010 at the office of the Clerk of the Township of South Stormont, 4949
County Road #14, Ingleside, Ontario.
The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day at 3:15 p.m.
Description of Lands:
Part of Lot 15, Concession 6, Geographic Township of Cornwall, being
Parts 1 to 3 on Reference Plan 52R-3664, now Township of South
Stormont, County of Stormont (PIN 60134-0178)
Roll No. 04-06-001-017-44015
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 44,416.94 
Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be accompanied
by a deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank draft or cheque
certified by a bank or trust corporation payable to the municipality and
representing at least 20 per cent of the tender amount.
Except as follows, the municipality makes no representation regarding the
title to or any other matters relating to the land to be sold. Responsibility for
ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers.
This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal Tax
Sales Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will be required
to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and the relevant land
transfer tax.
The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the
successful purchaser.
For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the prescribed
form of tender contact:
Mrs. Johanna Barkley - Treasurer
The Corporation of the Township of
South Stormont
4949 County Road #14
P.O. Box 340
(143-P083) Ingleside, Ontario K0C 1M0
Take Notice that tenders are invited for the purchase of the lands described
below and will be received until 3:00:00 p.m. local time on Friday, April 9,
2010 at the 2nd floor reception of the Municipal office located at 7 Creswell
Drive, Trenton, ON. (Local time is in accordance with the clock stamp
located in the 2nd floor reception area of the municipal office which will be
deemed conclusive.)
The tenders will then be opened in public April 9, 2010 at approx. 3:10 p.m.
at the same Municipal Office
Description of Lands:
Roll 1204.301.060.13300.0000
Conc. 2 Pt. Lot 6 RP 38R954 Part 3
2.80AC 235.00FR
Vacant Land – landlocked with no municipal frontage
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 8874.22
Description of Lands:
Roll 1204.211.030.24900.0000
631 Aikins Rd.
273.00AC 1875.00FR
Property if former Quinte Sanitation landfill site
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 591,931.57
Description of Lands:
Roll 1204. 211.045.03500.0000
2320 Hamilton Road
House of property
Irreg. 0.57AC 89.06FR 278.21D
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 19,194.75
Description of Lands:
Roll No. 1204.211.045.03400.0000
Reg Comp Plan 1644 Lot 4 Sidney Ward
Vacant Lot (beside 2320 Hamilton Rd.)
0.55AC 89.06FR 270.27D
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 6840.24
Description of Lands:
Roll 1204.211.080.06200.0000
Reg Comp Plan 1933 Lot 8 Sidney Ward
Vacant land – ineligible for building permit
0.13AC 29.90FR 190.00D
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 3604.06 
Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be accompanied
by a deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank draft or cheque
certified by a bank or trust corporation payable to the municipality and
representing at least 20 per cent of the tender amount.
The municipality makes no representation regarding the title to or any other
matters relating to the land to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these
matters rests with the potential purchasers.
This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal Sales
Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will be required to pay
the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and the relevant land transfer
The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the
successful purchaser.
Detailed tender packages are available for pick up at the 2nd floor reception
area, Quinte West Municipal offices, 7 Creswell Dr., Trenton. Packages
may also be downloaded from the City website The
detailed tender packages include a general map outlining the property
offered for sale.
For further information contact:
Janet Powers, AMCT
Purchasing Supervisor
Corporation of the City of Quinte West
Municipal Act, 2001, as amended
TAKE NOTICE that tenders are invited for the purchase of the lands
described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on April
12th, 2010 at the Township Offices, 4861 Highway #17, P.O. Box 630,
Mattawa, Ontario, P0H 1V0.
The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day at 3:30 p.m. at
the Township Offices.
Description of Lands
1. Firstly: Parcel 20396, Nipissing, Part Lot 2, Con. B, Twp 3,
Cameron, now Township of Papineau-Cameron, District of
Nipissing, being Parts 1 & 2, NR612; Except LT98631.
Being the whole of PIN 49104-0110 (LT).
Secondly: Parcel 21200, Nipissing, Part Lots 1 & 2, Con. B,
Twp 3, Cameron, now Township of Papineau-Cameron, District
of Nipissing, being Parts 1 & 2, NR1203; Except Units 4 & 5,
D65. Being the whole of PIN 49104-0111 (LT).
Thirdly: Parcel 23598, Nipissing, Part Lots 1 & 2, Con. B., Twp
3, Cameron, now Township of Papineau-Cameron, District of
Nipissing, being Part 1, 36R-3645. Being the whole of PIN
49104-0112 (LT). Roll # 48 16 020 001 09700.
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 60,263.21 
Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be accompanied
by a deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank draft or cheque
certified by a bank or trust corporation payable to the municipality (or board)
and representing at least 20 per cent of the tender amount.
Except as follows, the municipality makes no representation regarding the
title to or any other matters relating to the land to be sold. Responsibility for
ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers.
This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, and the
Municipal Tax Sales Rules, as amended, made under that Act. The successful
purchaser will be required to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated
taxes and the relevant land transfer tax.
The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the
successful purchaser.
Note: GST may be payable by successful purchaser.
For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the prescribed form
of tender, contact:
Sandra J. Morin, Clerk-Treasurer
The Corporation of the
Township of Papineau-Cameron
4861 Highway # 17, P.O. Box 630
MATTAWA, Ontario, P0H 1V0
(143-P085) (705) 744-5610
The Corporation of the Township of Perry more info
Take Notice that tenders are invited for the purchase of the lands described
below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on 14 April 2010, at the
Perry Municipal Office, P.O. Box 70, 90 Old Government Road, Emsdale,
Ontario P0A 1J0.
The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day as soon as possible
after 3:00 p.m. at the Perry Municipal Office, 90 Old Government Road,
Description of Lands:
Roll No. 49 14 000 002 42505 0000; 289 Station Rd; PIN 52163-0131(LT),
Parcel 23484 Section SS, Part Lot 17 Concession 8 Perry, Part 3 42R10462,
District of Parry Sound. File 08-03
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 13,765.12
Roll No. 49 14 000 002 42510 0000; PIN 52163-0132(LT), Parcel 23485
Section SS, Part Lot 17 Concession 8 Perry, Part 2 42R10462, District of
Parry Sound. File 08-04
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 7,778.64
Roll No. 49 14 000 002 43500 0000; PIN 52163-0173(LT), Parcel 19010
Section SS, Lot 11 Plan M28, Perry, District of Parry Sound. File 08-05
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 3,998.37 
Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be accompanied
by a deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank draft or cheque
certified by a bank or trust corporation payable to the municipality and
representing at least 20 per cent of the tender amount.
Except as follows, the municipality makes no representation regarding the
title to or any other matters relating to the lands to be sold. Responsibility for
ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers.
This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal Tax
Sales Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will be required
to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and the relevant land
transfer tax.
The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the
successful purchaser.
Note: G.S.T. may be payable by successful purchaser.
For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the prescribed
form of tender contact:
Mrs. Claudette Levac
The Corporation of the Township of Perry
P.O. Box 70
90 Old Government Road
Emsdale, Ontario P0A 1J0
(705) 636-5941
The Corporation of the Town of Kingsville more info
Take Notice that tenders are invited for the purchase of the lands described
below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on 14 April 2010, at the
Town of Kingsville Municipal Office, 2021 Division Road North, Kingsville,
Ontario N9Y 2Y9.
The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day as soon as possible
after 3:00 p.m. at the Town of Kingsville Municipal Office, 2021 Division
Road North, Kingsville, Ontario N9Y 2Y9.
Description of Lands:
Roll No. 37 11 070 000 02800 0000; 217 Queen, Kingsville PIN 75182-
0385(LT) Part Lot 31-32 Plan 291 Kingsville as in R1249595 S/T Spousal
Interest in R1249595 if any; Town of Kingsville, County of Essex. File 08-
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 19,781.49
Roll No. 37 11 370 000 00800 0000; 1820 Sabo St, Kingsville PIN 75170-
0163(LT) Lot 3 Plan 1557 Gosfield South; S/T R138204; S/T Execution 00-
00006, if enforceable; Town of Kingsville, County of Essex. File 08-18
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 18,038.83 
Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be accompanied
by a deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank draft or cheque
certified by a bank or trust corporation payable to the municipality and
representing at least 20 per cent of the tender amount.
Except as follows, the municipality makes no representation regarding the
title to or any other matters relating to the land to be sold. Responsibility for
ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers.
This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal Tax
Sales Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will be required
to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and the relevant land
transfer tax.
The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the
successful purchaser.
Note: G.S.T. may be payable by successful purchaser.
For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the prescribed form
of tender visit or contact:
Angela Lonsbery
Supervisor of Revenue
The Corporation of the Town of Kingsville
2021 Division Road North
Kingsville, Ontario N9Y 2Y9
(143-P087) 519-733-2305 Ext 233