Ontario Tax Sale Property

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Sale of Lands for Tax Arrears
by Public Tender

THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF EAR FALLS more info   Add to Favorites      Attending this sale?

TAKE NOTICE that tenders are invited for the purchase of the land(s)
described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on 31 May
2006, at the Municipal Office, 15 Spruce St., Ear Falls, Ontario P0V 1T0.
The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day at the
Municipal Office, 15 Spruce St., Ear Falls.
Description of Land:

Roll No. 60 42 000 002 19000 0000. PIN # 42034-0236 (LT) Parcel
3729 DPF SRO, Mining Claim KRL34283, Unsurveyed territory situate
in the Bruce Lake Area & PIN # 42034-0259 (LT) Parcel 3721 DPF
SRO, Part Mining Claim KRL34829, Unsurveyed territory not covered
by the waters of Bruce Lake, Saving & Excepting thereout & therefrom
the SRO on & over an Indian burial grounds, containing 3.0 acres more
or less, being part of mining claim KRL34829 & PIN # 42034-0482
(LT) Parcel 3722 DPF SRO, Part Mining Claim KRL34831, Unsurveyed
territory not covered by the waters of Bruce Lake situate in the Bruce
Lake Area & PIN # 42034-0252 (LT) Parcel 3723 DPF SRO, Mining
Claim KRL36578, Unsurveyed territory situate in the Bruce Lake Area,
Save and Except Part 11, KR1456 & PIN # 42034-0253 (LT) Parcel
3724 DPF SRO, Mining Claim KRL36579, Unsurveyed territory situate
in the Bruce Lake Area, Save and Except Part 8, KR1456 & PIN #
42034-0484 (LT) Parcel 3725 DPF SRO, Mining Claim KRL36580,
Unsurveyed territory situate in the Bruce Lake Area, Save and Except
Part 9, KR1456 & PIN # 42034-0251 (LT) Parcel 3726 DPF SRO,
Mining Claim KRL36581, Unsurveyed territory situate in the Bruce
Lake Area, Save and Except Part 10, KR1456 & PIN # 42034-0248 (LT)
Parcel 3748 DPF SRO, Mining Claim KRL36582, Unsurveyed territory
situate in the Bruce Lake Area, Save and Except Part 12, KR1456 & PIN
# 42034-0249 (LT) Parcel 3749 DPF SRO, Mining Claim KRL36583,
Unsurveyed territory situate in the Bruce Lake Area, Save and Except
Part 13, KR1456 & PIN # 42034-0244 (LT) Parcel 3745 DPF SRO,
Mining Claim KRL36729, Unsurveyed territory situate in the Bruce
Lake Area, Save and Except Part 14, KR1456 & PIN # 42034-0243 (LT)
Parcel 3746 DPF SRO, Mining Claim KRL36730, Unsurveyed territory
being land and land under the water of a small creek, situate in the Bruce
Lake Area & PIN # 42034-0235 (LT) Parcel 3747 DPF SRO, Mining
Claim KRL36731, Unsurveyed territory situate in the Bruce Lake Area,
PIN # 42034-0234 (LT) Parcel 3752 DPF SRO, Mining Claim
KRL36732, Unsurveyed territory being land and land under the water of
a small creek, situate in the Bruce Lake Area & PIN # 42034-0240 (LT)
Parcel 3753 DPF SRO, Mining Claim KRL36733, Unsurveyed territory
situate in the Bruce Lake Area & PIN # 42034-0239 (LT) Parcel 3754
DPF SRO, Mining Claim KRL36734, Unsurveyed territory being land
and land under the water of a small creek, situate in the Bruce Lake Area
& PIN # 42034-0220 (LT) Parcel 3864 DPF SRO, Part Mining Claim
KRL37801, Unsurveyed territory not covered by the waters of Bruce
Lake & PIN # 42034-0224 (LT) Parcel 3743 DPF SRO, Mining Claim
KRL41453, Unsurveyed territory situate in the Bruce Lake Area & PIN
# 42034-0219 (LT) Parcel 3744 DPF SRO, Mining Claim KRL41454,
Unsurveyed territory situate in the Bruce Lake Area & PIN # 42034-
0270 (LT) Parcel 4312 DPF SRO, Part Mining Claim KRL44054,
Unsurveyed territory not covered by the waters of Bruce Lake situate in
the Bruce Lake Area & PIN # 42034-0254 (LT) Parcel 4313 DPF SRO,
Mining Claim KRL44055, Unsurveyed territory situate in the Bruce
Lake Area, Save and Except Part 7, KR1456 & PIN # 42034-0272 (LT)
Parcel 4314 DPF SRO, Mining Claim KRL44056, Unsurveyed territory
situate in the Bruce Lake Area & PIN # 42034-0274 (LT) Parcel 4315
DPF SRO, Part Mining Claim KRL44057, Unsurveyed territory not
covered by the waters of Bruce Lake situate in the Bruce Lake Area &
PIN # 42034-0275 (LT) Parcel 4316 DPF SRO, Part Mining Claim
KRL44058, Unsurveyed territory not covered by the waters of Bruce
Lake & PIN # 42034-0255 (LT) Parcel 4317 DPF SRO, Mining Claim
KRL44059, Unsurveyed territory situate in the Bruce Lake Area, Save
and Except Part 6, KR1456 & PIN # 42034-0256 (LT) Parcel 4318 DPF
SRO, Mining Claim KRL44060, Unsurveyed territory situate in the
Bruce Lake Area, Save and Except Parts 3, 4 & 5, KR1456 & PIN #
42034-0258 (LT) Parcel 4319 DPF SRO, Part Mining Claim KRL44061,
Unsurveyed territory not covered by the waters of Bruce Lake situate in
the Bruce Lake Area, Save and Except Part 2, KR1456 & PIN # 42034-
0266 (LT) Parcel 4320 DPF SRO, Mining Claim KRL44062,
Unsurveyed territory situate in the Bruce Lake Area & PIN # 42034-
0273 (LT) Parcel 4321 DPF SRO, Mining Claim KRL44063,
Unsurveyed territory situate in the Bruce Lake Area & PIN # 42034-
0257 (LT) Parcel 4322 DPF SRO, Mining Claim KRL44064,
Unsurveyed territory situate in the Bruce Lake Area, Save and Except
Part 1, KR1456 & PIN # 42034-0271 (LT) Parcel 4323 DPF SRO, Part
Mining Claim KRL44066, Unsurveyed territory not covered by the
waters of Bruce Lake situate in the Bruce Lake Area & PIN # 42034-
0265 (LT) Parcel 4324 DPF SRO, Mining Claim KRL44068,
Unsurveyed territory situate in the Bruce Lake Area & PIN # 42034-
0264 (LT) Parcel 4325 DPF SRO, Mining Claim KRL44069,
Unsurveyed territory situate in the Bruce Lake Area & PIN # 42034-
0260 (LT) Parcel 4326 DPF SRO, Mining Claim KRL44070,
Unsurveyed territory situate in the Bruce Lake Area & PIN # 42034-
0247 (LT) Parcel 4327 DPF SRO, Mining Claim KRL44071,
Unsurveyed territory situate in the Bruce Lake Area, Township of Ear
Falls, District of Kenora (Patricia Portion) being the remainder of all the
Parcels. File No. 04-01
Minimum Tender Amount: $330,218.33
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Roll No. 60 42 000 002 14700 0000. PIN # 42034-0246 (LT) Parcel
3708 DPF SRO, being Part Mining Claim KRL34236, Unsurveyed
territory not covered by the Waters of Bruce Lake & PIN # 42034-0267
(LT) Parcel 3709 DPF SRO, Being Mining Claim KRL34237,
Unsurveyed territory situate in the Bruce Lake Area & PIN # 42034-
0261 (LT) Parcel 3710 DPF SRO, Mining Claim KRL34238,
Unsurveyed territory situate in the Bruce Lake Area & PIN # 42034-
0245 (LT) Parcel 3711 DPF SRO, Mining Claim KRL34240,
Unsurveyed territory situate in the Bruce Lake Area & PIN # 42034-
0241 (LT) Parcel 3712 DPF SRO, Mining Claim KRL34241
Unsurveyed territory situate in the Bruce Lake Area & PIN # 42034-
02663 (LT) Parcel 3713 DPF SRO, Part Mining Claim KRL34244,
Unsurveyed territory not covered by the Waters of Bruce Lake & PIN #
42034-0269 (LT) Parcel 3714 DPF SRO, Part Mining Claim KRL34245,
Unsurveyed territory not covered by the Waters of Bruce Lake & PIN #
42034-0268 (LT) Parcel 3715 DPF SRO, Mining Claim KRL34246,
Unsurveyed territory situate in the Bruce Lake Area & PIN # 42034-
0262 (LT) Parcel 3716 DPF SRO, Part Mining Claim KRL34247,
Unsurveyed territory not covered by the Waters of Bruce Lake & PIN #
42034-0250 (LT) Parcel 3717 DPF SRO, Part Mining Claim KRL34239,
Unsurveyed territory not covered by the Waters of Bruce Lake, As in
Instrument No. PA16284 & PIN # 42034-0229 (LT) Parcel 3727 DPF
SRO, Mining Claim KRL34242, Unsurveyed territory situate in the
Bruce Lake Area & PIN # 42034-0226 (LT) Parcel 3728 DPF SRO,
Mining Claim KRL34268, Unsurveyed territory situate in the Bruce
Lake Area & PIN # 42034-0231 (LT) Parcel 3730 DPF SRO, Mining
Claim KRL34284, Unsurveyed territory situate in the Bruce Lake Area
& PIN # 42034-0228 (LT) Parcel 3731 DPF SRO, Mining Claim
KRL34285, Unsurveyed territory situate in the Bruce Lake Area & PIN
# 42034-0237 (LT) Parcel 3732 DPF SRO, Mining Claim KRL34233,
Unsurveyed territory situate in the Bruce Lake Area & PIN # 42034-
0232 (LT) Parcel 3733 DPF SRO, Mining Claim KRL34234,
Unsurveyed territory situate in the Bruce Lake Area & PIN # 42034-
0277 (LT) Parcel 3734 DPF SRO, Part Mining Claim KRL34425,
Unsurveyed territory not covered by the waters of Bruce Lake, Situate in
the Bruce Lake Area & PIN # 42034-0225 (LT) Parcel 3735 DPF SRO,
Part Mining Claim KRL34226, Unsurveyed territory not covered by the
waters of Bruce Lake & PIN # 42034-0227 (LT) Parcel 3736 DPF SRO,
Part Mining Claim KRL34227, Unsurveyed territory not covered by the
waters of Bruce Lake & PIN # 42034-0230 (LT) Parcel 3737 DPF SRO,
Part Mining Claim KRL34228, Unsurveyed territory not covered by the
waters of Bruce Lake & PIN # 42034-0233 (LT) Parcel 3738 DPF, Part
Mining Claim KRL34229, Unsurveyed territory not covered by the
waters of Bruce Lake & PIN # 42034-0238 (LT) Parcel 3739 DPF SRO,
Part Mining Claim KRL34230, Unsurveyed territory not covered by the
waters of Bruce Lake & PIN # 42034-0242 (LT) Parcel 3740 DPF SRO,
Part Mining Claim KRL34232, Unsurveyed territory not covered by the
waters of Bruce Lake & PIN # 42034-0279 (LT) Parcel 3741 DPF SRO,
Part Mining Claim KRL34433, Unsurveyed territory not covered by the
waters of Bruce Lake & PIN # 42034-0278 (LT) Parcel 3742 DPF SRO,
Mining Claim KRL34434, Unsurveyed territory situate in the Bruce
Lake Area & PIN # 42034-0276 (LT) Parcel 3755 DPF SRO, Part
Mining Claim KRL34294, Unsurveyed territory not covered by the
waters of Bruce Lake, Situate in the Bruce Lake Area, Township of Ear
Falls, District of Kenora (Patricia Portion) being the remainder of all the
Parcels. File No. 04-02.
Minimum Tender Amount: $31,912.48
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Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be
accompanied by a deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank
draft or cheque certified by a bank or trust corporation payable to the
municipality and representing at least 20 per cent of the tender amount.
The municipality makes no representation regarding the title to or any
other matters relating to the land to be sold. Responsibility for
ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers.
This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal Tax
Sales Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will be
required to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and the
relevant land transfer tax.
The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the
successful purchaser.
Note: G.S.T. may be payable by successful purchaser.
For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the prescribed
form of tender contact:
Deputy Clerk Treasurer
The Corporation of the Township of Ear Falls
15 Spruce St.
P.O. Box 309
Ear Falls, Ontario P0V 1T0
(807) 222-3624 Ext. 22
Municipal Act, 2001

RAINY RIVER DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD more info   Add to Favorites      Attending this sale?

TAKE NOTICE that tenders are invited for the purchase of the land(s)
described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on
Friday May 26, 2006 at 522 Second St. East, Fort Frances, ON.
The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day at 3:30 p.m. local
time on Friday, May 26, 2006 at 522 Second St. East, Fort Frances, ON.
Description of Lands:

Parcel 7907 Rainy River PIN NO. 56045-0133
North half of Lot 1, Concession 2, Sifton, excepting SLT48145 and
Part 4 on Plan S446 and SLT48174 in the District of Rainy River
Minimum Tender Amount: $4,738.20
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Parcel Plan-5 Section 48M-340 PIN NO. 56002-0016
Surface Rights Only Lot 14 on Plan 48M-340 Ramsay Wright/Hutchinson,
District of Rainy River
Minimum Tender Amount: $2,545.22
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Parcel 20624 Rainy River PIN NO. 56051-0089
Southwest Quarter of the south half of Lot 7, Conc. 2,
Twp of Sutherland in the District of Rainy River
Minimum Tender Amount: $2,772.38
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Parcel 7597 Rainy River PIN NO. 56052-0082
North half of Lot 1, Concession 1, Pratt except the
east half, District of Rainy River
Minimum Tender Amount: $2,609.38
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Parcel 21660 Rainy River PIN NO. 56059-0143
NW ¼ of S1/2 Lot 8, Conc. 7, Spohn,
District of Rainy River
Minimum Tender Amount: $2,270.84
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Parcel 19823 Rainy River PIN NO. 56060-0043
Northwest Quarter of the SW Quarter of Section 32,
Nelles, District of Rainy River
Minimum Tender Amount: $2,917.18
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Parcel 14509 Rainy River PIN NO. 56051-0125
South half of the east half of Lot 4, Conc. 1
Sutherland, District of Rainy River
Minimum Tender Amount: $2,844.42
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Parcel 17028 Rainy River PIN NO. 56050-0028
Northeast ¼ Section 18, Nelles, District of Rainy River
Parcel 6789 Rainy River PIN NO. 56050-0091
Pt Section 18, Nelles being the east ½ of the NW subdivision
Minimum Tender Amount: $2,577.25
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Parcel 14-8 Section SM-75 PIN NO. 56068-0301
North half of the SW Quarter of Section 14, Plan SM-75
Unsurveyed Territory except Part 1 on Plan S511
Minimum Tender Amount: $3,007.53
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Parcel 8245 Rainy River PIN NO. 56015-0131
South half of Lot 5, Conc. 2, Miscampbell
District of Rainy River
Minimum Tender Amount: $5,860.11
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Parcel 6478 Rainy River PIN NO. 56052-0080
Part of the north half of Lot 3, Conc. 1, Pratt
As in SLT11650, unorganized, District of Rainy River
Minimum Tender Amount: $2,626.03
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Parcel 18880 Rainy River PIN NO. 56050-0035
Northwest quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 23,
Nelles, unorganized, District of Rainy River
Minimum Tender Amount: $3,157.48
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Parcel 19512 Rainy River PIN NO. 56029-0052
Southwest Quarter of the north half of Lot 11, Conc. 5
Kingsford, District of Rainy River
Minimum Tender Amount: $5,010.98
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Parcel 12185 Rainy River PIN NO. 56066-1079
Firstly part of a tract of land unsurveyed territory lying
South of and adjacent to Kawene Station as in SLT44078;
Secondly, part Canadian National Railway ballast pit
Unsurveyed territory, Part 1-5, 48R-3583, s/t SLT45285
District of Rainy River
Minimum Tender Amount: $59,195.69
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Parcel 18731 Rainy River PIN NO. 56050-0033
Northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 23,
Nelles, District of Rainy River
Minimum Tender Amount: $2,183.29
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Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be
accompanied by a deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank
draft or cheque certified by a bank or trust corporation payable to the
Rainy River District School Board and representing at least 20 percent of
the tender amount.
Except as follows, the Rainy River District School Board makes no
representation regarding the title to or any other matters relating to the
land to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with
the potential purchasers.
This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal Tax
Sales Act. The successful purchaser will be required to pay the amount
tendered plus accumulated taxes and the relevant land transfer tax.
The Rainy River District School Board has no obligation to provide
vacant possession to the successful purchaser.
For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the prescribed
form of tender contact:
LAURA MILLS, Chief Financial Officer
Rainy River District School Board
522 Second St. East
(139-P128) Fort Frances, ON P9A 1N4
Municipal Act, 2001

OF ADDINGTON HIGHLANDS more info   Add to Favorites      Attending this sale?

TAKE NOTICE that tenders are invited for the purchase of land(s) described
below and will be received until 3:00 PM local time on June 20, 2006 at
72 Edward St., Flinton, ON, K0H 1P0. Tenders will be opened in public on
the same day at 3:01 P.M. at 72 Edward St., Flinton ON
Description of Land(s):

13) Roll # 11/34/050/010/07701
Abinger, Range W, Pt Lot 16, RP 29R-87,
Part 1, being .52 ac
Minimum Tender Amount: $1,425.61
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14) Roll # 11/34/050/010/07705
Abinger, Range W, Pt Lot 16, RP 29R-87,
Part 5, being .40 ac
Minimum Tender Amount: $1,424.08
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15) Roll # 11/34/050/010/07707
Abinger, Range W, Pt Lot 16, RP 29R-87,
Part 8, being .35 ac
Minimum Tender Amount: $1,450.03
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16) Roll # 11/34/050/010/07708
Abinger, Range W, Pt Lot 16, RP 29R-87,
Part 9, being .35 ac
Minimum Tender Amount: $1,425.61
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17) Roll # 11/34/050/010/07709
Abinger, Range W, Pt Lot 16, RP 29R-87,
Part 10, being .35 ac
Minimum Tender Amount: $1,450.03
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18) Roll # 11/34/050/010/07710
Abinger, Range W, Pt Lot 16, RP 29R-87,
Part 11, being .35 ac
Minimum Tender Amount: $1,425.61
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19) Roll # 11/34/050/010/07711
Abinger, Range W, Pt Lot 16, RP 29R-87,
Part 12, being .42 ac
Minimum Tender Amount: $1,450.04
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20) Roll # 11/34/050/010/07712
Abinger, Range W, Pt Lot 16, RP 29R-87,
Part 13, being .48 ac
Minimum Tender Amount: $1,425.61
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21) Roll # 11/34/050/010/07713
Abinger, Range W, Pt Lot 16, RP 29R-87,
Part 14, being .38 ac
Minimum Tender Amount: $1,448.53
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22) Roll # 11/34/050/010/07714
Abinger, Range W, Pt Lot 16, RP 29R-87,
Part 15, being .40 ac
Minimum Tender Amount: $1,424.09
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23) Roll # 11/34/050/010/07715
Abinger, Range W, Pt Lot 16, RP 29R-87,
Part 16, being .32 ac
Minimum Tender Amount: $1,450.03
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24) Roll # 11/34/050/010/07716
Abinger, Range W, Pt Lot 16, RP 29R-87,
Part 19, being .51 ac
Minimum Tender Amount: $1,424.08
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25) Roll # 11/34/050/010/07717
Abinger, Range W, Pt Lot 16, RP 29R-87,
Part 20, being .41 ac
Minimum Tender Amount: $1,450.03
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26) Roll # 11/34/050/010/07718
Abinger, Range W, Pt Lot 16, RP 29R-87,
Part 21, being .39 ac
Minimum Tender Amount: $1,448.53
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27) Roll # 11/34/050/010/07719
Abinger, Range W, Pt Lot 16, RP 29R-87,
Part 22, being .39 ac
Minimum Tender Amount: $1,424.09
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28) Roll # 11/34/050/010/07720
Abinger, Range W, Pt Lot 16, RP 29R-87,
Part 23, being .39 ac
Minimum Tender Amount: $1,448.51
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29) Roll # 11/34/050/010/07721
Abinger, Range W, Pt Lot 16, RP 29R-87,
Part 24, being .39 ac
Minimum Tender Amount: $1,424.08
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30) Roll # 11/34/050/010/07722
Abinger, Range W, Pt Lot 16, RP 29R-87,
Part 25, being .41 ac
Minimum Tender Amount: $1,450.06
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31) Roll # 11/34/050/010/07723
Abinger, Range W, Pt Lot 16, RP 29R-87,
Part 26, being .39 ac
Minimum Tender Amount: $1,424.08
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32) Roll # 11/34/050/010/07729
Abinger, Range W, Pt Lot 16, RP 29R-87,
Part 34, being .35 ac
Minimum Tender Amount: $1,425.60
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33) Roll # 11/34/050/010/07730
Abinger, Range W, Pt Lot 16, RP 29R-87,
Part 36, being 1.34 ac
Minimum Tender Amount: $1,645.42
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*NOTE: For reasons of space, the following, common clause “Together
with a right-of-way over Parts 17, 37, 38, 39, 40 and 41, Plan 29R-87,
has not been shown with each parcel description above
Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be
accompanied by a deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank
draft or cheque certified by a bank or trust corporation payable to the
municipality and representing at least 20 percent of the tender amount.
matters relating to the land to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining
these matters rests with the potential purchasers who are encouraged to
seek legal advice prior to submitting a tender.
This sale is governed by the Municipal Act 2001 and tax rules made
pursuant thereto. The successful purchaser will be required to pay the
amount tendered plus accumulated taxes, penalties, interest and relevant
land transfer tax.
The township has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the
successful purchaser.
For further information regarding this sale and for a copy of the
prescribed form of tender contact:
Township of Addington Highlands office
72 Edward St., Flinton, ON K0H 1P0
(613) 336-2286 PH; 336-2847 FX
jpauhl@mazinaw.on.ca or
(139-P129A) mwood@mazinaw.on.ca

OF ADDINGTON HIGHLANDS more info   Add to Favorites      Attending this sale?

TAKE NOTICE that tenders are invited for the purchase of land(s) described
below and will be received until 3:00 PM local time on June 14, 2006 at
72 Edward St., Flinton, ON, K0H 1P0. Tenders will be opened in public on
the same day at 3:01 P.M. at 72 Edward St., Flinton ON
Description of Land(s):

1) Roll # 11/34/050/010/27943
Abinger, Concession 15, Pt Lot 5, RP 29R-4916,
Part 3, being .40 ac
Minimum Tender Amount: $2,881.58
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2) Roll # 11/34/050/010/28400
Abinger, S1/2 of N1/2, Lot 7, Concession 15,
being 25 ac +/-
Minimum Tender Amount: $3,421.85
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3) Roll # 11/34/050/010/29600
Abinger, S1/2 of N1/2, Lot 11, Concession 15,
being 25 ac +/-
Minimum Tender Amount: $3,448.50
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4) Roll # 11/34/050/020/07310
Abinger, Pt Lot 5, Concession 13
Finch Lake E/S, being 8 ac +/-
Minimum Tender Amount: $3,534.36
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5) Roll # 11/34/050/010/18700
Abinger, Pt Lot 29, Concession 3, Plan 29R75,
Part 33, being 4.5 ac
Minimum Tender Amount: $2,261.81
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6) Roll # 11/34/010/010/01800
Kaladar, W1/2 of W1/2 Lot 7, Concession 1,
being 54.75 ac
Minimum Tender Amount: $4,051.82
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7) Roll # 11/34/010/020/29720
Kaladar, Pt Lot 24, Concession 5, Pts 9, 10, 11,
Plan 29R-6187, being 18.13 ac
Minimum Tender Amount: $4,325.28
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8) Roll # 11/34/010/030/47602
Kaladar, N1/2, Lot 18, Concession 7,
being 5 ac +/-
Minimum Tender Amount: $2,137.77
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9) Roll # 11/34/020/010/05106
Anglesea, Range A, Pt S1/2 Lot 21,
being 4.02 ac
Minimum Tender Amount: $2,019.17
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10) Roll # 11/34/020/010/08500
Anglesea, Pt Lot 11, Concession 2,
being .22 ac
Minimum Tender Amount: $3,542.40
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11) Roll # 11/34/040/010/05910
Denbigh, Range W, Pt Lot 25,
being 4.12 ac +/-
Minimum Tender Amount: $2,547.76
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12) Roll # 11/34/060/020/15501
Ashby, Pt Lot 22, Concession 1,
being 1.30 ac
Minimum Tender Amount: $5,357.95
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Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be
accompanied by a deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank
draft or cheque certified by a bank or trust corporation payable to the
municipality and representing at least 20 per cent of the tender amount.
The township makes no representation regarding the title to or any other
matters relating to the land to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining
these matters rests with the potential purchasers who are encouraged to
seek legal advice prior to submitting a tender.
This sale is governed by the Municipal Act 2001 and tax rules made
pursuant thereto. The successful purchaser will be required to pay the
amount tendered plus accumulated taxes, penalties, interest and relevant
land transfer tax.
The township has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the
successful purchaser.
For further information regarding this sale and for a copy of the
prescribed form of tender contact:
Township of Addington Highlands office
72 Edward St., Flinton, ON K0H 1P0
(613) 336-2286 PH; 336-2847 FX
jpauhl@mazinaw.on.ca or
(139-P129B) mwood@mazinaw.on.ca
Municipal Act, 2001

THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF KENORA more info   Add to Favorites      Attending this sale?

TAKE NOTICE that tenders are invited for the purchase of the land(s)
described below and will be received until 3 p.m. local time on
Wednesday, May 24th, at the City of Kenora Municipal Office. Tender
opening will follow immediately in the Council chambers.
Description of Lands:

1) Vacant property, (landlocked & not on water), described as the
remainder of Parcel 286, District of Kenora – Part of Location
405P, south side of Coney Island, now City of Kenora, being all of
the parcel..
Minimum Tender Amount: $4,817.79*
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2) Improved property described as Part of Lot 6, Block 3, Plan 3,
Town of Kenora, now City of Kenora, District of Kenora, as
further described in Instrument No. 29259; municipally know as
122 Main Street North.
Minimum Tender Amount: $9,568.19*
  Add to Favorites

3) Vacant property described as the remainder of Parcel 13420,
District of Kenora – Part of Lot 3, Concession 2 and Part of Lot 5,
Concession 2, Twp. Of Jaffray, now City of Kenora, being all of
the Parcel; located off Hwy 17. East
Minimum Tender Amount: $4,140.55*
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4) Improved property described as Parcel 27129, Part of Mining
Location K103, designated as Parts 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 & 8 on Plan
KR1041, subject to a right-of-way over Parts 3,4, & 5 on Plan
KR1041 & subject to a right-of-way over Parts 2,4, & 6 on Plan
KR1041, Twp. Of Jaffray, now City of Kenora, District of Kenora,
municipally known as 286A Transmitter Road.
Minimum Tender Amount: $5,609.59*
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*(Does not include 2006 Final Billing)
Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be
accompanied by a deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank
draft or cheque certified by a bank, or trust corporation, payable to the
municipality and representing at least 20 percent of the tender amount.
The Municipality makes no representation regarding the title to or any
other matters relating to the land to be sold. Responsibility for
ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers.
This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal Tax
Sales rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will be
required to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes, and the
relevant land transfer tax including G.S.T.
The Municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the
successful purchaser.
For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the prescribed
form of tender, contact:
Tax Officer
The Corporation of the City of Kenora
1 Main Street South
Kenora ON P9N 3X2
(139-P131) Phone: 807-467-2034
Municipal Act, 2001

THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF BRANTFORD more info   Add to Favorites      Attending this sale?

TAKE NOTICE that tenders are invited for the purchase of the lands
described below and are to be delivered to the BID DEPOSIT BOX,
local time, June 20, 2006.
Tender Box is REMOVED at 3:00 p.m. and ONLY Tenders contained
within will be publicly opened the same day in the Purchasing
Boardroom, 1 Market Square, Brantford, Ontario at 3:15 p.m. local time.
Description of Land:

1. Roll No. 2906-010-008-10900
Part of Lots 7 and 8, east side of Mount Pleasant Street,
City of Brantford, as in A265143, being all of the lands in PIN
32077-0041 (LT)
Municipal Address: 38 Mount Pleasant Street, Brantford, Ontario,
N3T 1S6
Minimum Tender Amount: $11,801.15
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2. Roll No. 2906-050-001-2090
Part of Lot 4, Block U, Plan 108, City of Brantford, as in A399040
being all of the lands in PIN 32092-0199 (LT)
Municipal Address: 42 Rose Avenue, Brantford, Ontario, N3S 2M2
Minimum Tender Amount: $14,848.85
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3. Roll No. 2906-040-005-06700
Part of Lots 55 and 56, south side of Colborne Street,
City of Brantford, as in A121892 (secondly) and A267666,
being all of the lands in PIN 32105-0036 (LT)
Municipal Address: 415-417 Colborne Street, Brantford, Ontario,
N3S 3N5
Minimum Tender Amount: $29,148.84
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4. Roll No. 2906-050-007-47100
Part Lot 7, Eagles Nest Tract, Part 1 on 2R-1567 except Part 1 on
and Part of the Road Allowance between Lots 4, 7 and 10, Eagles
Nest Tract
(closed by A463915) Part 1 on 2R-4845, City of Brantford,
being all of the lands in PIN 32084-0108 (LT)
Municipal Address: 91 Birketts Lane, Brantford, Ontario
Minimum Tender Amount: $4,832.46
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Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be
accompanied by a deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank
draft or cheque certified by a bank, or trust corporation, payable to the
municipality and representing at least 20% of the tender amount.
The municipality makes no representation regarding the title to or any
other matters relating to the land to be sold. Responsibility for
ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers.
This sale is governed by the Municipal Act 2001, and the Municipal Tax
Sale Rules made under the Act. The successful purchaser will be required
to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes (i.e. the property taxes
that have accumulated since the first date of advertising to the date of
payment), GST (where applicable), and the relevant land transfer tax.
For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the prescribed
form of tender, contact:
Assistant City Solicitor
The Corporation of the City of Brantford
100 Wellington Square
Brantford, Ontario
N3T 2M3
(139-P132) Telephone: (519) 759-4150
Municipal Act, 2001

THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF IGNACE more info   Add to Favorites      Attending this sale?

TAKE NOTICE that tenders are invited for the purchase of the land(s)
described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on
June 20, 2006 at 34 Highway 17 West, Box 248, Ignace, ON, P0T 1T0.
The Tenders will then be opened in public on the same day at the
Township of Ignace Office at 3:30 p.m.
Description of Lands:

Parcels 7743 & 8042, Part of Lot 138, Plan M. 119, Twp of Ignace,
District of Kenora (known as 114-116 Main Street, Ignace, ON)
Minimum Tender Amount: $83,888.61
  Add to Favorites

Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be
accompanied by a deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank
draft or cheque certified by a bank or trust corporation payable to the
municipality and representing at least 20 percent of the tender amount.
Except as follows, the municipality makes no representation regarding
the title to or any other matters relating to the land to be sold.
Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential
This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal Tax
Sales Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will be
required to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and the
relevant land transfer tax.
The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the
successful purchaser.
For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the prescribed
form of tender contact:
The Corporation of the Township of Ignace
P.O. Box 248
Ignace, Ontario P0T 1T0
(139-P134) (807) 934-2202
Municipal Act, 2001

THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF FORT ERIE more info   Add to Favorites      Attending this sale?

TAKE NOTICE that tenders are invited for the purchase of the land(s)
described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on the
6th day of June, 2006 at the Municipal Centre, Clerk’s Department of
The Corporation of the Town of Fort Erie, 1 Municipal Centre Drive,
Fort Erie, Ontario L2A 2S6.
The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day at The
Municipal Centre, Conference Room 3 at 3:05 p.m.
Description of Lands:

330.83FR 1,322.00D, 10.0 ACRES, PIN 64229-0043 (LT)
ROLL NUMBER 2703 020 026 10600
Minimum Tender Amount: $16,784.98
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594.00FR 884.00D, 13.14 ACRES, PIN 64175-0230 (LT)
ROLL NUMBER 2703 020 030 08400
Minimum Tender Amount: $23,352.46
  Add to Favorites

Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be
accompanied by a deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank
draft or cheque certified by a bank or trust corporation payable to the
municipality and representing at least 20 percent of the tender amount.
Except as follows, the municipality makes no representation regarding
the title to or any other matters relating to the land to be sold.
Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential
The lands do not include mobile homes situate on the lands, if any.
This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal Tax
Sales Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will be
required to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and the
relevant land transfer tax.
The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the
successful purchaser.
For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the
prescribed form of tender contact:
Manager of Revenue & Collections
1 Municipal Centre Drive
Fort Erie, Ontario
L2A 2S6
T. (905) 871-1600 ext 228
(139-P135) gcorney@forterie.on.ca
Municipal Act, 2001

FRENCH RIVER more info   Add to Favorites      Attending this sale?

TAKE NOTICE that tenders are invited for the purchase of the land(s)
described below and will be received until 3:30 p.m. local time on
June 7, 2006 at: The Corporation of the Municipality of French River
17 Dollard Street, PO Box 156, Noelville, Ontario P0M 2N0
The tenders will be opened at 7:00 pm on the same day at;
Noelville Community Center
21 St-Christopher St
Noelville, Ontario P0M 2N0
Description of Lands:

PIN # 73443-0202(LT)
Part of Lot 4, Concession 1
Township of Bigwood
Municipality of French River, District of Sudbury
Minimum Tender Amount: $5,441.22
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PIN # 73450-0367 (LT)
Part of Lot 12, Concession 2
As in LT58225, Except LT157083
Township of Martland
Municipality of French River, District of Sudbury
Minimum Tender Amount: $10,870.73
  Add to Favorites

Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be
accompanied by a deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank draft
or cheque certified by a bank or trust corporation payable to the
municipality (or board) and representing at least twenty percent (20%) of
the tender amount.
Except as follows, the municipality makes no representation regarding the
title to or any other matters relating to the land to be sold. Responsibility
for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers.
The land(s) do(es) not include the mobile homes situated on the land(s).
(If applicable).
This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001, and the Municipal Tax
Sales Rules made under the Act. The successful purchaser will be
required to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and the
relevant land transfer tax.
The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the
successful purchaser.
For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the prescribed
form of tender contact:
CLAUDE TESSIER, Acting-Treasurer
The Corporation of the Municipality of French River
17 Dollard Street, PO Box 156
Noelville, Ontario P0M 2N0
(139-P136) 705-898-2294
Municipal Act, 2001

THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF THUNDER BAY more info   Add to Favorites      Attending this sale?

TAKE NOTICE that tenders are invited for the purchase of the land(s)
described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on
Thursday, June 15, 2006 at the Materials Management Division,
Victoriaville Civic Centre, P. O. Box 800, 111 S. Syndicate Avenue,
Thunder Bay, Ontario, P7C 5K4.
The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day at 3:30 p.m.
local time in the Materials Management Board Room, Materials
Management Division, Victoriaville Civic Centre, 111 S. Syndicate
Avenue, Thunder Bay, Ontario.
Description of Land(s):

1. Part Lot 1, North Side of Water Street
Prince Arthur’s Landing
City of Thunder Bay
District of Thunder Bay
PIN # 62149-0079
49-55 Cumberland Street North
91.74’ front, 70.50’depth, 0.15 acres
Roll No. 58 04 010 001 14100 0000
Minimum Tender Amount: $75,231.00
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2. Lot 2, Plan 225
City of Thunder Bay
District of Thunder Bay
PIN # 62138-0116 (LT)
279 Bay Street
29.30’ front, 100’ depth, 0.07 acres
Roll No. 58 04 010 010 07100 0000
Minimum Tender Amount: $11,621.96
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3. Part of Lot 20, Block 21, Plan 121
City of Thunder Bay
District of Thunder Bay
PIN # 62217-0040 (LT)
323 Clavet Street
25’ front, 120’ depth
Roll No. 58 04 010 065 05100 0000
Minimum Tender Amount: $10,037.39
  Add to Favorites

4. Parcel 5743 Port Arthur Freehold
Lot 8, Plan M-220
City of Thunder Bay
District of Thunder Bay
PIN # 62195-0053
129 Theresa Street
50’ front, 110’ depth
Roll No. 58 04 010 071 07400 0000
Minimum Tender Amount: $18,891.84
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5. Lot 6 and 7, Plan 186
City of Thunder Bay
District of Thunder Bay
PIN # 62231-0436 (LT)
570 Balsam Street
50’ front, 120’ depth, 0.14 acres
Roll No. 58 04 010 079 25000 0000
Minimum Tender Amount: $6,605.43
  Add to Favorites

6. Parcel 3829 Port Arthur Freehold
Part of Lot 43, Plan M-111
City of Thunder Bay
District of Thunder Bay
PIN # 62228-0014
Near Leslie Avenue
86’ front, 200’ depth, 0.39 acres
Roll No. 58 04 010 095 13000 0000
Minimum Tender Amount: $4,629.55
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7. Part of Lot 21, Concession 4
South of the Kaministiquia River
City of Thunder Bay
District of Thunder Bay
PIN # 62261-0072
2120 Highway 61
28.59 acres
Roll No. 58 04 030 106 17301 0000
Minimum Tender Amount: $10,396.72
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8. Lot 136, Plan W-201
City of Thunder Bay
District of Thunder Bay
PIN # 62082-0119
425 Bernard Street
25’ front, 125’ depth
Roll No. 58 04 040 133 00200 0000
Minimum Tender Amount: $7,910.37
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9. Lot 7, Block 18, Plan W-54
PIN # 62072-0147
Lot 8, Block 18, Plan W-54
PIN # 62072-0086
City of Thunder Bay
District of Thunder Bay
213-215 Simpson Street
50’ front, 130’ depth
Roll No. 58 04 040 140 00800 0000
Minimum Tender Amount: $24,218.10
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10. Lot 10, Block 2, Plan W-54
City of Thunder Bay
District of Thunder Bay
PIN # 62072-0131 (LT)
218 Simpson Street North
25’ front
Roll No. 58 04 040 140 01900 0000
Minimum Tender Amount: $20,836.34
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11. Lots 25 and 26, Block 1
Plan W-54
City of Thunder Bay
District of Thunder Bay
PIN # 62073-0096
141 Hardisty Street North
50’ front, 102.30’ depth
Roll No. 58 04 040 143 03301 0000
Minimum Tender Amount: $35,961.61
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12. Lots 57, 58 and 59
Plan W-123, W/S Brodie
City of Thunder Bay
District of Thunder Bay
PIN # 62074-0096
111 Brodie Street South
150’ front, 93’ depth
Roll No. 58 04 040 148 03100 0000
Minimum Tender Amount: $22,169.68
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13. Parts of Lot 59, West Side of May Street
Plan W-123
City of Thunder Bay
District of Thunder Bay
PIN # 62074-0073
107-109 May Street South
48.92’ front, 100’ depth
Roll No. 58 04 040 148 05300 0000
Minimum Tender Amount: $42,421.41
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Lots 46 and 47, Plan W-178
West Side of Syndicate Avenue
City of Thunder Bay
District of Thunder Bay
PIN # 62074-0175 (LT)
215 Syndicate Avenue South
100’ front, 97.50’ depth
Roll No. 58 04 040 149 02700 0000
Minimum Tender Amount: $111,958.47
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15. Lot 49 and 50, Plan W-178
West Side of Syndicate Avenue
City of Thunder Bay
District of Thunder Bay
PIN # 62074-0173 (LT)
201 Syndicate Avenue South
128’ front, 97.50’ depth
Roll No. 58 04 040 149 03100 0000
Minimum Tender Amount: $130,013.84
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16. Parcel 989 City of Fort William Freehold
Lot 366, Plan WM-31
City of Thunder Bay
District of Thunder Bay
PIN # 62085-0148
121 Franklin Street North
25’ front, 137’ depth
Roll No. 58 04 040 159 04400 0000
Minimum Tender Amount: $12,521.88
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17. Parcel 1479 City of Fort William Freehold
Lot 463, Plan WM-31
City of Thunder Bay
District of Thunder Bay
PIN # 62085-0117
238 Balmoral Street
25’ front, 137’ depth
Roll No. 58 04 040 162 06400 0000
Minimum Tender Amount: $11,250.78
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18. Part of Park Lot 2
Town Plot of Fort William
City of Thunder Bay
District of Thunder Bay
PIN # 62038-0152
739 Catherine Street
40.38’ front
Roll No. 58 04 040 180 09100 0000
Minimum Tender Amount: $10,027.06
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19. Lot 75, Plan W-379
City of Thunder Bay
District of Thunder Bay
PIN # 62007-0086 (LT)
25’ front, 125’ depth
1705 Crawford Avenue
Roll No. 58 04 040 234 04800 0000
Minimum Tender Amount: $5,931.22
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Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be accompanied
by a deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank draft or cheque
certified by a bank or trust corporation payable to the municipality (or board)
and representing at least 20 percent of the tender amount.
Except as follows, the municipality makes no representation regarding the
title to or any other matters relating to the land to be sold. Responsibility
for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers.
This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal Tax
Sales Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will be
required to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and the
relevant land transfer tax.
The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the
successful purchaser.
For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the
prescribed form of tender contact:
Finance Department
Revenue Division
Telephone #: (807) 625-2255
The Corporation of the City of Thunder Bay
500 Donald Street East, City Hall
(139-P137) Thunder Bay, Ontario P7E 5V3

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