Sale of Lands for Tax Arrears
by Public Tender
TAKE NOTICE that tenders are invited for the purchase, individually,
of the lands described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local
time on the 14TH day of March, 2012 at 3 Kirkland Street, PO Bag 1757,
Kirkland Lake, Ontario P2N 3P4.
The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day at 3:00 p.m., in
the Council Chambers.
Description of Lands:
Tax File 10-20 (Roll #54-68-000-023-06000-0000)
111 Carter Avenue
Parcel 3195 SEC CST; PT Lot 52, Plan M95TIM
1720.00SF 50.77FR 43.75D
Assessment: $34,500 Residential
2011 Municipal & Education Taxes: $1,130.02
Minimum Tender Amount: $10,157.57
Tax File 10-21 (Roll #54-68-000-006-03900-0000)
7 Park Street
Parcel 6711 SEC CST; PT Lot 496, Plan M110TIM
1428.00SF 42.00FR 34.00D
Assessment: $28,000 Residential
2011 Municipal & Education Taxes: $897.37
Minimum Tender Amount: $7,111.68
Tax File 10-22 (Roll #54-68-000-012-04200-0000)
26 Hudson Bay Avenue
Parcel 2731 SEC CST; Lot 45, Plan M96TIM
4800.00SF 40.00FR 120.00D
Assessment: $34,000 Residential
2011 Municipal & Education Taxes: $1,130.02
Minimum Tender Amount: $10,133.45
Tax File 10-23 (Roll #54-68-000-010-04900-0000)
29 Government Road West
Parcel 11905 SEC CST; Lot 38, Plan M15TIM
Assessment: $20,500 Commercial $10,000 Residential
2011 Municipal & Education Taxes: $1,964.71
Minimum Tender Amount: $29,621.23
Tax File 10-24 (Roll #54-68-000-015-02600-0000)
18 Earl Street
Parcel 4692 SEC CST; Lot 187, Plan M116TIM
4000.00SF 40.00FR 100.00D
Assessment: $17,700 Residential
2011 Municipal & Education Taxes: $588.28
Minimum Tender Amount: $5,932.09
Tax File 10-25 (Roll #54-68-000-009-03400-0000)
61 Queen Street
Parcel 3997 SEC CST; Lot 143 Plan M111TIM
4000.00SF 40.00FR 100.00D
Assessment: $18,600 Residential
2011 Municipal & Education Taxes: $613.20
Minimum Tender Amount: $11,268.61
Tax File 10-26 (Roll #54-68-000-004-07500-0000)
19 Main Street
Parcel 2678 SEC CST; Lot 281, Plan M98TIM
4000.00SF 40.00FR 100.00D
Assessment: $20,500 Residential
2011 Municipal & School Taxes: $661.39
Minimum Tender Amount: $6,803.63
Tax File 10-27 (Roll #54-68-000-008-01500-0000)
26 King Street
Parcel 4541 SEC CST; Lot 682 Plan M118TIM
3500.00SF 35.00FR 100.00D
Assessment: $12,900 Residential
2011 Municipal & School Taxes: $428.74
Minimum Tender Amount: $5,285.49
Tax File 10-28 (Roll #54-68-000-004-11900-0000)
No Civic Address
Parcel 9773 SEC CST; PT MCL1557, PT 32 TER297
Assessment: $34,500 Commercial
2011 Municipal & School Taxes: $2,577.91
Minimum Tender Amount: $46,195.65 
All above properties are within the Municipality of Kirkland Lake, District
of Timiskaming.
Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be
accompanied by a deposit in the form of a money order, a bank draft, or
cheque certified by a bank or trust corporation payable to The Corporation
of the Town of Kirkland Lake and representing at least 20 percent of the
tender amount.
The municipality makes no representation regarding the title to or any
other matters relating to the land to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining
these matters rests with the potential purchasers.
This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal Tax
Sale Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will be required
to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and the relevant land
transfer tax.
The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the
successful purchaser.
Note: HST may be payable by the successful purchaser.
For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the prescribed
form of tender contact:
Robin Melong
Tax Collector
3 Kirkland Street
P.O. Bag 1757
Kirkland Lake, ON
P2N 3P4
(705) 567-9361 Ext.232
Ryan Dagelman
Assistant Tax Collector
3 Kirkland Street
P.O. Bag 1757
Kirkland Lake, ON
P2N 3P4
(145-P055) (705) 567-9361 Ext.229
TAKE NOTICE that tenders are invited for the purchase of the land(s)
described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on March
21, 2012, at the City of Mississauga, Civic Centre, Materiel Management,
Corporate Services Department, 1st Floor, 300 City Centre Drive,
Mississauga, Ontario L5B 3C1
The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day at 3:30 p.m.
at 300 City Centre Drive, 2nd Floor, Committee Room A, Mississauga,
Ontario L5B 3C1
Description of Lands:
1. Legal Description: Unit 42, Level 1, Peel Condominium Plan No. 471;
Part Block 21, Plan 43M425, Part 1 on Reference Plan 43R15071,
more fully described in Schedule “A” of Declaration LT1377167; City
of Mississauga; Region of Peel
(PIN: 19471-0042 (LT)
Roll No.: 21-05-040-116-33342
Municipal Address: 145 Traders Blvd. E., Unit 42, Mississauga,
Ontario, L4Z 3L3
Minimum Tender Amount: $56,588.66
2. Legal Description: Unit 55, Level 1, Peel Condominium Plan No.
39; Block A, Plan 792, Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 on Plan 43R1302,
more fully described in Schedule “A” of Declaration LT15781; NDI
activated 2006/03/02 Re: Restraining Order LT1877663, City of
Mississauga; Region of Peel
(PIN: 19039-0055 (LT)
Roll No.: 21-05-060-140-13954
Municipal Address: 2445 Homelands Drive, Unit 55, Mississauga,
Ontario, L5K 2C6
Minimum Tender Amount: $30,561.65
3. Legal Description: Parcel Block 77-13, Section M320; Part Block
77, Plan M320 Part 23, Plan 43R7932 s/t a right as in LT292678,
LT293293; City of Mississauga; Region of Peel
(PIN: 13307-0022 (LT)
Roll No.: 21-05-030-092-35202
Municipal Address: 4149 Pascal Court, Mississauga, Ontario,
L4W 3C4
Minimum Tender Amount: $40,863.85
4. Legal Description: Part Lot 19, Plan STR-3, designated as Part6, Plan
43R10548; s/t easement in favour of The Corporation of the City of
Mississauga over Part Lot 19, Plan STR-3 designated as Part 1, Plan
43R23585 for ten years as in LT2000939, City of Mississauga; Region
of Peel
(PIN: 13196-0954 (LT)
Roll No.: 21-05-120-004-06401
Municipal Address: 0 Queen Street South, Mississauga, Ontario
Minimum Tender Amount: $14,804.35
5. Legal Description: Block B, Plan 778; s/t VS31919, VS34226; City of
Mississauga; Region of Peel (PIN: 13504-0403 (LT)
Roll No.: 21-05-010-061-03900
Municipal Address: 0 Abana Road, Mississauga, Ontario
Minimum Tender Amount: $41,270.04 
Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be accompanied
by a deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank draft or cheque
certified by a bank or trust corporation payable to the municipality (or
board) and representing at least 20 per cent of the tender amount.
Except as follows, the municipality makes no representation regarding
the title to or any other matters relating to the land to be sold.
Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential
This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal Tax
Sales Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will be required
to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and the relevant land
transfer tax and HST (if applicable).
The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the
successful purchaser.
For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the prescribed
form of tender contact:, or
Customer Service Advisor
Mississauga 3-1-1
(905-615-4311 outside city limits)
The Corporation of the City of Mississauga
The Treasurer of the Corporation of the
City of Mississauga
c/o Materiel Management, Corporate Services
Mississauga Civic Centre
1st Floor, 300 City Centre Drive,
(145-P056) Mississauga, ON L5B 3C1