Sale of Lands for Tax Arrears
by Public Tender
TAKE NOTICE that tenders are invited for the purchase of the land(s)
described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on
Monday, April 18, 2005 at 513 Prescott Street, Kemptville, ON K0G
The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day at 3:30
p.m at
15 Water Street, Kemptville, Ontario K0G 1J0
Description of Land(s)
Set out the cancellation price as of the first day of advertising)
Roll No. 07 19 716 040 34506
Part of Lot 30, Concession 3, being Part 1 on Plan 15R-7648, save
except Part 1 on Plan 15R-7960
Geographic Township of Oxford, Municipality of North Grenville,
County of Grenville
Minimum Tender Amount: $6,902.54
Roll No. 07 19 721 010 02106
Part of Lot 1, Concession 2, being Part 2 on Plan 15R-8812
Geographic Township of South Gower, Municipality of North Grenville,
County of Grenville
Minimum Tender Amount: $4,773.80 
Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be
accompanied by a deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank
draft or cheque certified by a bank or trust corporation payable to
municipality and representing at least twenty percent (20%) of the
Except as follows, the municipality makes no representation regarding
the title to or any other matters relating to the lands to be sold.
Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential
This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal
Sales Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will be
required to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and the
relevant land transfer tax.
The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to
successful purchaser.
For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the prescribed
form of tender, contact:
Deputy Treasurer/Tax Collector
Municipality of North Grenville
PO Box 130 - 513 Prescott Street
Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0
Phone: (613) 258-9569
(138-P452) Fax: (613) 258-9620
Municipal Act, 2001
TAKE NOTICE that tenders are invited for the purchase of the land(s)
described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on
Tuesday April 12, 2005 at the Municipal Clerks Department, 2nd Floor,
City Hall, City of Hamilton
The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day at 3:15
local time.
Description of Land
1. 325 Wellington Street North (Formerly 293 Wellington Street
Note: The Following Site is The Abandoned Industrial
Warehouse That Abuts The C.N.R. Rail Line.
All of Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11, between South Street and the
C.N.R. Lands and part of South Street according to Archibald
Ferguson’s Survey registered in the Registry Office for the
Municipality as Plan Number 89; and Part of Lot 13, Concession 1,
former Township of Barton; and all of Lots 135, 136, 137, 138, 139,
140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152,
157 and part of Lots 124, 125,134 and 12’ alleyway North of
134 to 139, part of 12’ alleyway North of Lot 124, part of 12’
alleyway in block bounded by Murray, Cathcart, Barton and
Wellington Streets, and part of Cathcart and Murray Streets,
according to John Ferguson’s Survey registered in the Registry
Office for the said Municipality as Plan Number 287, now
designated as Part 1 on Reference Plan 62R-9218, save and except
Part 2 on Reference Plan 62R-9742.
PIN # 17158-0067 (R)
456.61 feet X 473.56 feet more or less
Assessed Value: Commercial $256,000.00
Serial No. 020 182 09430
Minimum Bid: $2,625,574.26
2. 350 Ferguson Avenue North
Part Lot 13, Concession 1 In the Geographic Township of Barton,
Now City of Hamilton
Designated as Part 4 on 62R-9218, Now known as Part 2 on
PIN # 17158-0065 (R)
71.14 feet X 111.99 feet more or less
Assessed Value: Commercial Vacant Land $ 19,000.00
Serial No. 020 182 00050
Minimum Bid: $87,460.28
3. 231 Gage Avenue North
Part Lot 7 Concession 1 Barton
As in CD 256351
PIN # 17218-0079 (R)
Irregular 456.00 feet X 225.91 feet more or less
Assessed Value: Commercial $233,000.00
Serial No. 030 272 05130
Minimum Bid: $681,899.96
4. 938 Burlington Street East
Lots 12, 13, 14, 18, 19, 380 and 381, Plan 453
As in CD 447779,
City of Hamilton
PIN # 17218-0187 (R)
Irregular 138.00 feet X 234.58 feet more or less
Assessed Value: Residential $ 36,950
Commercial $607,050
Serial No. 030 272 01370
Minimum Bid: $873,854.29
5. 245 Catharine Street North
PT LT 25, HNUGH, W/S Catharine St BTN Robert & Barton
As in HL6413; LTS 26 & 27, Nathaniel Hughson Survey
(Unregistered), W/S Catharine St BTN Robert & Barton Streets;
PT LT 24
Nathaniel Hughson Survey (Unregistered), W/S Catharine St BTN
Robert & Barton
Streets As in CD 105699; As in HL6413, HL 13245 & CD 105699
City of Hamilton
PIN # 17161-0166 (R)
L Shaped 133.00 feet X 158.75 feet more or less
Assessed Value: Commercial $264,000
Serial No. 020 156 00790
Minimum Bid: $182,780.37
6. 0 Little John Road
Being all of PIN 17454-0329 (R), Part of Lot 53, Concession 1
Part 1 of Reference Plan 62R-14976
Former Town of Ancaster, Then Town of Dundas, Now
City of Hamilton
PIN # 17454-0329 (R)
Irregular 47.05 feet X 136.25 feet more or less
Assessed Value: Residential $103,000
Serial No. 260 010 14900
Minimum Bid: $61,455.46
7. 663 Barton Street East
Plan 245, Part Lot 20, City of Hamilton,
Region of Hamilton Wentworth, As In LT469303
Except As in CD183205
PIN # 17194-0214 (LT)
21.66 feet X 140.00 feet more or less
Assessed Value: Residential $60,100.00
Commercial $84,900.00
Serial No. 030 237 55340
Minimum Bid: $71,469.66
8. 132 Robert Street
Part Lots 8 & 9, PL 287, As in AB123646, City of Hamilton
PIN # 17162-0146 (R)
22.00 feet X 90.00 feet more or less
Assessed Value: Residential $100,000.00
Serial No. 020 156 52970
Minimum Bid: $24,752.48
9. 4 Mars Avenue
Part Lots 1 & 2, Plan 209, As In CD29154, S/T & T/W CD29154
City of Hamilton
PIN # 17189-0005 (LT)
18.17 feet X 45.00 feet more or less
Assessed Value: Residential $40,500.00
Serial No. 030 222 06330
Minimum Bid: $26,517.15
10. 0 Boulding Avenue
NOTE: Entirety subject to Hydro Right of Way
Parcel 4-1, Section E.F. 3 being Part of Lots 4 & 5, Concession
lying west of Niska Drive, designated as
Part 3, Plan 62R2135, S/T EF 24051, LT 169219
In the Town of Flamborough, in the
Regional Municipality of Hamilton-Wentworth
Being Part of PIN # 17505-0305 (LT)
Irregular 103.09 feet X 277.10 feet more or less
Assessed Value: Residential $168,000.00
Serial No. 303 350 27601
Minimum Bid: $34,906.69
11. 0 Boulding Avenue
NOTE: Entirety subject to Hydro Right of Way
PCL 4-1, Sec E.F. 3; Part Lots 4 & 5, Con 3
Lying w Niska Dr, Pt 3 62R2135, S/T EF24051, Lt169219 City of
Being Part of PIN # 17505-0305 (LT)
Irregular 104.56 feet X 710.34 feet more or less
Assessed Value: Residential $182,000.00
Serial No. 303 350 27608
Minimum Bid: $30,696.15
12. 145 Glendale Avenue North
Pt Lts 102 & 103, PL 442, As in CD391987, S/T CD391987;
S/T Debts in CD391987;
S/T Beneficiaries interest in CD386376, if any; Hamilton
PIN # 17221-0346 (LT)
23.50 feet X 65.00 feet more or less
Assessed Value: Residential $75,000.00
Serial No. 040 284 00040
Minimum Bid: $16,919.96
13. 836 Alexander Road
LT 121, PL 769
Ancaster, City of Hamilton
PIN # 17564 – 0357 (LT)
100.00 feet X 120.00 feet more or less
Assessed Value: Residential $243,000.00
Serial No. 140 260 16800
Minimum Bid: $28,360.23
14. 0 Laurendale Avenue
NOTE: Entirety subject to Hydro Right of Way
PCL 4 - 1 Sec E.F. 3
Pt Lts 4 & 5 Con 3, Lying w Niska Dr
Pt 3 62R2135, S/T EF24051 LT169219
Flamborough, City of Hamilton
Being Part of PIN # 17505-0305 (LT)
Irregular 106.42 feet X 548.00 feet more or less
Assessed Value: Residential $45,000.00
Serial No. 303 350 28252
Minimum Bid: $10,055.24
15. 52 Dundas Street
PT Lot 7, Block 62, Plan 1465, As in DN18089
Save and Except PT 6, 6246912;
PT Lot 8, Block 62, Plan 1465, PRT 4 & 5, 6246912;
Dundas, City of Hamilton
PIN # 17477-0028 (LT)
Irregular 45.51 feet X 250.52 feet more or less
Assessed Value: Residential $160,000.00
Serial No. 260 250 16100
Minimum Bid: $22,505.38
16. 1633 Hwy 6
PT LTS 9 & 10 Con 8 West Flamborough, Parts 1, 2, & 3 ON
Ex Pt 1 ON Expropriation Plan WE36748,
Flamborough; Hamilton
PIN # 17533-0120 (LT)
983.21 feet X 450.97 feet more or less
Assessed Value: Residential $276,000.00
Commercial $303,000.00
Serial No. 302 710 63600
Minimum Bid: $510,551.11
17. 984 Hwy 6
PT LT 13, Concession 6 East Flamborough
As In CD401729;
Flamborough, City of Hamilton
PIN # 17583-0020 (LT)
Irregular 230.03 feet X 234.71 feet more or less
Assessed Value: Residential $201,000.00
Commercial $112,000.00
Serial No. 303 610 62000
Minimum Bid: $160,311.16
18. 20 Trillium Avenue
PT LT 8, PL 675, As in VM197882;
Stoney Creek, City of Hamilton
PIN # 17362-0091 (LT)
25.00 feet X 150.00 feet more or less
Assessed Value: Residential $65,000.00
Serial No. 003 020 15200
Minimum Bid: $11,331.47
19. 0 Durham Road
LT 231, PL 724, Except CD441026;
Stoney Creek, City of Hamilton
PIN # 17328-0280 (LT)
Irregular 8.00 feet X 196.90 feet more or less
Assessed Value: Residential $14,300.00
Serial No. 003 285 10150
Minimum Bid: $5,023.44
20. 14 Rossmore Avenue
LT 31, PL 458;
Hamilton, City of Hamilton
PIN # 17132-0345 (LT)
83.08 feet X 92.79 feet more or less
Assessed Value: Residential $38,000.00
Serial No. 010 091 02000
Minimum Bid: $8,229.05
21. 150 Locke Street North
PT LTS 10 & 11, PL 284,
Part 2, 62R5777
Hamilton, City of Hamilton
PIN # 17148-0078 (LT)
Irregular 27.42 feet X 106.56 feet more or less
Assessed Value: Commercial Vacant Land $42,500.00
Serial No. 010 104 02200
Minimum Bid: $19,978.71
22. 20 ½ Murray Street East
PT LT 6, Ebenezer Stinson Survey (unregistered)
S/S Murray St;
PT LT 10, Ebenezer Stinson Survey (unregistered),
W/S Hughson St; As in NS32427, NS 69871;
Being Part of PIN # 17159-0189 (R)
L-Shaped 28.00 feet X 110.00 feet more or less
Assessed Value: Residential $98,000.00
Serial No. 020 155 07150
Minimum Bid: $16,194.95
23. 24 Murray Street East
PT LT 6, Ebenezer Stinson Survey (unregistered),
S/S Murray St;
PT LT 10 Ebenezer Stinson Survey (unregistered)
W/S Hughson St; As in NS32427, NS69871;
Being Part of PIN # 17159-0189 (R)
Assessed Value: Residential $64,000.00
Serial No. 020 155 07180
Minimum Bid: $16,168.43
24. 224 Victoria Avenue North
PT LTS 79 & 80, Robert Land Survey,
(AKA) OM1433) being on the E/S of Victoria Av,
As in AB82349;
PIN # 17183-0169 (LT)
32.00 feet X 156.00 feet more or less
Assessed Value: Residential $76,000.00
Serial No. 030 216 02200
Minimum Bid: $15,678.70
25. 68 Hillyard Street
PT LT 164, Survey 32, As in CD232814; Hamilton
Subject to Executions 11-04809, 11-05576, 11-06614, 11-06615
if enforceable,
City of Hamilton
PIN # 17191-0108 (LT)
24.00 feet X 90.00 feet more or less
Assessed Value: Residential $73,000.00
Serial No. 030 224 05380
Minimum Bid: $18,594.09
26. 243 Gibson
PT LT 78, PL 245, As in VM114672; Hamilton;
City of Hamilton
PIN # 17194-0276 (LT)
26.00 feet X 150.00 feet more or less
Assessed Value: Residential $67,000.00
Serial No. 030 235 02140
Minimum Bid: $12,552.54
27. 0 Barton Street
PT LT 12, Con 1, Part 1, 62R689;
Stoney Creek, City of Hamilton
PIN # 17257-0037 (R)
Irregular 86.00 feet X 254.00 feet more or less
Assessed Value: Commercial Vacant Lot $33,500.00
Serial No. 003 120 06600
Minimum Bid: $15,156.68
28. 132 Birch Avenue
PT LT 56, PL 169, As in VM227268;
PIN # 17197-0009 (LT)
21.00 feet X 102.00 feet more or less
Assessed Value: Residential $50,000.00
Serial No. 030 234 53170
Minimum Bid: $16,693.15
29. 17 Lincoln Street
PT LTS 42 & 43, PL 414,
As in VM68650; S/T Interest(s) in VM68650, if any;
S/T & T/W VM68650;
PIN # 17220-0105 (LT)
20.00 feet X 80.00 feet more or less
Assessed Value: Residential $63,000.00
Serial No. 040 286 03030
Minimum Bid: $19,215.79
30. 75 Hillyard Street
Plan 32, Part Lot 139, City of Hamilton,
As in CD411353
PIN # 17191-0095 (LT)
22.00 feet X 132.00 feet more or less
Assessed Value: Residential $85,000.00
Serial No. 030 224 04060
Minimum Bid: $20,025.45 
Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be
accompanied by a deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank
draft or cheque certified by a bank or trust company payable to the
municipality (or board) and representing at least 20 per cent of the
tender amount.
The municipality makes no representation regarding the title to or
other matters including any environmental concerns relating to the
land to
be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with
potential purchasers. The municipality does not provide an opportunity
for potential purchasers to view properties nor is it in a position
provide successful purchasers with a key or vacant possession.
This sale is governed by Part XI of the Municipal Act, 2001 and as
amended by The Municipal Statute Law Amendment Act, 2002. The
successful purchaser will be required to pay the amount tendered plus
the accumulated taxes (i.e. the property taxes that have accumulated
since the first day of advertising of the land for sale until a successful
purchaser is declared) and any relevant federal or provincial taxes
may apply (including land transfer tax and GST). Failure to complete
transaction by the successful bidder will result in the forfeiture
of their
For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the prescribed
form of tender documents, go to the City of Hamilton Web site at, or contact:
Director of Taxation
City of Hamilton
71 Main Street West
Hamilton, Ontario L8P 4Y5
Attn: D. Kevin Beattie,
Tax Sale and Assessment Review Officer
(138-P453) Tel. (905) 546-2424 ext. 4538 / Fax (905) 546-2449