Ontario Tax Sale Property

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Sale of Lands for Tax Arrears
by Public Tender

ASPHODEL-NORWOOD more info   Add to Favorites      Attending this sale?

Take Notice that tenders are invited for the purchase of the land(s) described
below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on Friday, September
11, 2009 in the Township office, 2357 County Road 45, P. O. Box 29,
Norwood, Ontario. K0L 2V0. The tenders will then be opened in public on
the same day at 3.30 p.m. at the Township Office, 2357 County Road 45, P.
O. Box 29, Norwood, Ontario. K0L 2V0.
Description of Lands:

Pt W ½ Lt 16, Con 2, Asphodel as in C8652, except Dep2377
Asphodel-Norwood, County of Peterborough,
being all of PIN 28202-0102
Roll No. 15-01-010-002-03200
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 4,775.78
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Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be accompanied
by a deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank draft or cheque
certified by a bank or trust corporation payable to the municipality and
representing at least 20 per cent of the tender amount.
Except as follows, the municipality makes no representation regarding the
title to or any other matters relating to the land to be sold. Responsibility for
ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers.
The lands do not include mobile homes situate on the lands, if any.
This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal Tax
Sales Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will be required
to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and the relevant land
transfer tax.
The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the
successful purchaser.
For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the prescribed form
of tender contact:
Corporation Of The Township Of
2357 County Road 45, P. O. Box 29,
Norwood, Ontario. K0l 2V0
Telephone: (705) 639-5343
Fax: (705) 639-1880
Note: This document need not be registered

THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SCUGOG more info   Add to Favorites      Attending this sale?

Take Notice that tenders are invited for the purchase of the land described below
and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on 16 September 2009, at the
Municipal Office, 181 Perry Street, P.O. Box 599, Port Perry, Ontario L9L 1A5.
The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day as soon as possible
after 3:00 p.m. at the Municipal Office, 181 Perry Street Port Perry.
Description of Lands:

Roll No. 18 20 010 009 01400 0000, 1810 Harper Rd. PIN: 26797-0010(LT)
Pt Lot 20 CON 9, Reach as in D440255 S/T spousal interest in D440255 and
S/T debts in D440255 if applicable; Scugog, File 07-05
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 30,507.53
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Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be accompanied
by a deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank draft or cheque
certified by a bank or trust corporation payable to the municipality and
representing at least 20 per cent of the tender amount.
Except as follows, the municipality makes no representation regarding the
title to or any other matters relating to the land to be sold. Responsibility for
ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers.
This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal Tax
Sales Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will be required
to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and the relevant land
transfer tax.
The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the
successful purchaser.
Note: G.S.T. may be payable by successful purchaser.
For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the prescribed form
of tender, contact:
Ms. Bev Goslin
Tax Collector
The Corporation of the Township of Scugog
181 Perry Street
P.O. Box 599
Port Perry, Ontario L9L 1A5
905-985-7346 X 104
(142-P257) or visit www.OntarioTaxSales.ca

THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CRAMAHE more info   Add to Favorites      Attending this sale?

Take Notice that tenders are invited for the purchase of the lands described
below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on 24 September 2009,
at the Municipal Office, 1 Toronto Street, P.O. Box 357, Colborne Ontario
K0K 1S0.
The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day as soon as possible
after 3:00 p.m. at the Municipal Office, 1 Toronto Street, Colborne.
Description of Lands:

Roll No. 14 11 011 010 18900 0000; PIN 51132-0344(LT) Part Lot 33,
Concession 5, designated Parts 1, 2 and 3 on Plan 38R- 3474, Township of
Cramahe, County of Northumberland S/T CL44777, CR12005, CR15377;
Cramahe. File No. 08-02
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 7,725.85
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Roll No. 14 11 011 050 14900 0000; 1291 County Rd 25, Castleton; PIN
51238-0162(LT) Part of Lot 32, Concession 5 designated Part 1 on Plan
39R- 7352, Township of Cramahe, County of Northumberland; S/T CL19976
amended by PLCO327; S/T CL80963; Cramahe. File No. 08-07
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 14,659.41
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Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be accompanied
by a deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank draft or cheque
certified by a bank or trust corporation payable to the municipality and
representing at least 20 per cent of the tender amount.
Except as follows, the municipality makes no representation regarding the
title to or any other matters relating to the lands to be sold. Responsibility for
ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers.
This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal Tax
Sales Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will be required
to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and the relevant land
transfer tax.
The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the
successful purchaser.
Note: G.S.T. may be payable by successful purchaser.
For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the prescribed form
of tender, visit:
or contact:
Ms. Mora Chatterson
The Corporation of the Township of Cramahe
1 Toronto Street
P.O. Box 357
Colborne, Ontario K0K 1S0
(905) 355-2821 Ext. 223
(142-P258) www.visitcramahe.ca

NORTHERN BRUCE PENINSULA more info   Add to Favorites      Attending this sale?

Take Notice that tenders are invited for the purchase of the lands described
below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on 30 September 2009,
at the Municipal Office, 56 Lindsay Road 5, R.R. #2, Lion’s Head, Ontario
N0H 1W0.
The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day at 3:00 p.m. at the
Municipal Office, 56 Lindsay Road 5, Lion’s Head.
Description of Lands:

Roll No. 41 09 660 002 28500 0000; PIN 33108-0467(LT) LT 38, 37, 36
CON 3 EBR Lindsay, Except Pt 1, 3R3957, Northern Bruce Peninsula. File
No. 08-02
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 47,799.90
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Roll No. 41 09 660 002 33600 0000; PIN 33112-0103(LT) Lt 34 Con 4 EBR
Lindsay, Northern Bruce Peninsula.
File No. 08-03
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 14,106.26
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Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be accompanied
by a deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank draft or cheque
certified by a bank or trust corporation payable to the municipality and
representing at least 20 per cent of the tender amount.
Except as follows, the municipality makes no representation regarding the
title to or any other matters relating to the lands to be sold. Responsibility for
ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers.
This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal Tax
Sales Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will be required
to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and the relevant land
transfer tax.
The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the
successful purchaser.
Note: G.S.T. may be payable by successful purchaser.
For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the prescribed form
of tender, visit:
or contact:
Ms. Teresa Shearer
Treasurer/Tax Collector
The Corporation of the Municipality of
Northern Bruce Peninsula
56 Lindsay Road 5
R.R. #2
Lion’s Head, Ontario N0H 1W0
(142-P259) www.northbrucepeninsula.ca

THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM more info   Add to Favorites      Attending this sale?

Take Notice that tenders are invited for the purchase of the land described
below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on 16 September 2009,
at the Municipal Office, P.O. Box 160, 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville,
Ontario N0J 1Y0.
The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day at 3:00 p.m. at the
Municipal Office, 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville.
Description of Lands:

Roll No. 34 01 000 002 16001 0000; 7491 Plank Rd; PIN 35332-0315(LT) Pt
Lt 15 Con 4 Bayham Pt 2 11R3517; Bayham. File No. 08-03
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 11,461.50
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Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be accompanied
by a deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank draft or cheque
certified by a bank or trust corporation payable to the municipality and
representing at least 20 per cent of the tender amount.
Except as follows, the municipality makes no representation regarding the
title to or any other matters relating to the lands to be sold, including but not
limited to the potential existence of environmental contamination, estates
and interests of the federal or provincial governments or their agencies,
easements and restrictive covenants, and interests acquired by adverse
possession. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the
potential purchasers.
This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal Tax
Sales Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will be required
to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and the relevant land
transfer tax.
The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the
successful purchaser.
Note: G.S.T. may be payable by successful purchaser.
For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the prescribed form
of tender, visit:
or contact:
Ms. Suzanna Dieleman Mantel
The Corporation of the Municipality of
P.O. Box 160
9344 Plank Road
Straffordville, Ontario N0J 1Y0
(519) 866-5521
(142-P260) www.bayham.on.ca

THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF COBALT more info   Add to Favorites      Attending this sale?

TAKE NOTICE that tenders are invited for the purchase of the land(s)
described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on September
9, 2009 at 18 Silver Street, Cobalt, Ontario P0J 1C0. The Tenders will then
be opened in public on the same day at 3:30 p.m. at the Town Hall, Cobalt,
Description of Lands:

PIN 61387-0145 LT
Pcl. 12867 SEC SST; PT Mining Location RL401
Coleman being Parcel Number Four Situate on
Cobalt Lake SRO PT 6, 7 54R-3300; Cobalt
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 1,832.25
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Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be accompanied
by a deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank draft or cheque
certified by a bank or trust corporation payable to the municipality and
representing at least 20 per cent of the tender amount.
Except as follows, the municipality makes no representation regarding the
title to or any other matters relating to the land to be sold. Responsibility for
ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers.
This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal Tax
Sales Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will be required
to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and the relevant land
transfer tax.
The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the
successful purchaser.
For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the prescribed form
of tender contact:
The Corporation of the Town of
18 Silver Street
P.O. Box 70
(142-P261) Cobalt, Ontario P0J 1C0

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