Sale of Lands for Tax Arrears
by Public Tender
Take Notice that tenders are invited for the purchase of the lands
described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on 28
February 2012, at the Atikokan Town Office, 120 Marks Street, PO Box
1330, Atikokan, Ontario P0T 1C0.
The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day as soon as possible
after 3:00 p.m. at the Atikokan Town Office, 120 Marks Street, Atikokan.
Description of Lands:
Roll No. 59 01 000 001 02400 0000; 108-110 Burns St. Atikokan; PIN
56005-2021(LT) Parcel 5-1 Section SM171; Lots 5 and 6 Plan SM171
Unsurveyed Territory Surface Rights Only; Atikokan. File 10-01
Minimum Tender Amount: $16,043.63
Roll No. 59 01 000 006 02800 0000; 3 Errington Ave. Atikokan; PIN
56005-0946(LT) Parcel 17-1 Section SM156; Lot 17 Plan SM156 Freeborn
Surface Rights Only; S/T SLT50485; Atikokan. File 10-02
Minimum Tender Amount: $5,105.12
Roll No. 59 01 000 002 01000 0000; 628 Front St. W. Atikokan; PIN
56066-1076(LT) Parcel 12110 Section Rainy River; Part Mining Claim
Location 867-X Unsurveyed Territory as in SLT43795 Surface Rights
Only, S/T Part 10, Plan 48R976 as in SLT97138; District of Rainy River.
File 10-03
Minimum Tender Amount: $14,226.67
Roll No. 59 01 000 002 22200 0000; 308 Gorrie St. Atikokan; PIN 56005-
0904(LT) Parcel 10-2 Section SM148; Lot 10 Plan SM148 Freeborn
Surface Rights Only; Atikokan. File 10-04
Minimum Tender Amount: $3,446.97
Roll No. 59 01 000 006 10600 0000; 11 Vincienne St. Atikokan; PIN
56005-0894(LT) Parcel 99-1 Section SM168; Lot 99 Plan SM168
Freeborn Surface Rights Only; Atikokan. File 10-06
Minimum Tender Amount: $13,292.29
Roll No. 59 01 000 005 15000 0000; 135 Willow Rd. Atikokan; PIN
56005-0660(LT) Parcel 327-1 Section SM179; Lot 327 Plan SM179
Schwenger; Atikokan. File 10-08
Minimum Tender Amount: $24,234.24
Roll No. 59 01 000 006 25300 0000; 409 Steerola St. Atikokan; PIN
56005-0388(LT) Parcel 63-1 Section SM147; Lot 63 Plan SM147
Schwenger/Freeborn Surface Rights Only; Atikokan. File 10-09
Minimum Tender Amount: $7,045.40
Roll No. 59 01 000 003 29700 0000; 4 Spruce Rd. Atikokan; PIN 56005-
0151(LT) PCL 286-1 SEC SM175; LT 286 PL SM175 Schwenger/
Freeborn Surface Rights Only; S/T SLT57516; Atikokan. File 10-10
Minimum Tender Amount: $13,494.98
Roll No. 59 01 000 003 11300 0000; 24 Poplar Ave. Atikokan; PIN 56005-
2239(LT) Parcel 236-2 Section SM175 Surface Rights Only; Lot 236 Plan
SM175 Schwenger; Atikokan. File 10-11
Minimum Tender Amount: $12,697.94
Roll No. 59 01 000 002 27300 0000; 110 Main St. W. Atikokan; PIN
56005-1904(LT) Parcel 170-1 Section SM151 Surface Rights Only; Lot
170 Plan SM151 Unsurveyed Territory; Atikokan. File 10-12
Minimum Tender Amount: $27,680.15
Roll No. 59 01 000 006 09000 0000; 2 Hematite Ave. Atikokan; PIN
56005-1015(LT) Parcel 83-1 Section SM156; Lot 83 Plan SM156 Freeborn
Surface Rights Only; S/T SLT50485; Atikokan. File 10-13
Minimum Tender Amount: $9,100.75
Roll No. 59 01 000 007 03600 0000; 508 OBrien St. Atikokan; PIN 56005-
1132(LT) Parcel 14371 Section Rainy River; Part Mining Claim Location
864-X Schwenger Part of the E 1/2, as in SLT53755, Surface Rights Only;
Atikokan. File 10-15
Minimum Tender Amount: $11,297.10
Roll No. 59 01 000 006 26300 0000; 106 Mercury Ave W. Atikokan;
PIN 56005-0397(LT) Parcel 73-1 Section SM147; Lot 73 Plan SM147
Schwenger/Freeborn Surface Rights Only; Atikokan. File 10-17
Minimum Tender Amount: $14,821.20
Roll No. 59 01 000 002 29700 0000; 312 Main St. W Atikokan; PIN
56005-1867(LT) Parcel 113-1 Section SM151 Surface Rights Only; Lot
113 Plan SM151 Unsurveyed Territory; Atikokan. File 10-20
Minimum Tender Amount: $42,550.48
Roll No. 59 01 000 002 09800 0000; 500 Mackenzie Ave. W Atikokan;
PIN 56005-0447(LT) Parcel 96-1 Section SM104; Lot 96 Plan SM104
Unsurveyed Territory Surface Rights Only; Atikokan. File 10-21
Minimum Tender Amount: $11,128.70
Roll No. 59 01 000 001 22000 0000; 1 Mercury Ave. Atikokan; PIN 56066-
0212(LT) Parcel 29-1 Section SM186; Lot 29 Plan SM186 Unsurveyed
Territory Surface Rights Only; District of Rainy River. File 10-22
Minimum Tender Amount: $23,924.54 
Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be accompanied
by a deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank draft or cheque
certified by a bank or trust corporation payable to the municipality and
representing at least 20 per cent of the tender amount.
Except as follows, the municipality makes no representation regarding
the title to, crown interests or any other matters relating to the lands
to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the
potential purchasers.
This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal Tax
Sales Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will be required
to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and the relevant land
transfer tax.
The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the
successful purchaser.
Note: HST may be payable by successful purchaser.
Tender packages include a copy of the prescribed form of tender contact
and are available at the Town Office at a cost of $10 each. For further
information regarding this sale, contact:
Jason Young
Property Tax Clerk
The Corporation of the Town of Atikokan
120 Marks Street
PO Box 1330
Atikokan, Ontario P0T 1C0
807-597-1234 X 222
Take Notice that tenders are invited for the purchase of the lands
described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on 15
February 2012, at the Township of Gauthier Municipal Office, P.O. Box
65, 30 McPherson Street, Dobie, Ontario P0K 1B0.
The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day as soon as
possible after 3:00 p.m. at the Township of Gauthier Municipal Office, 30
McPherson Street, Dobie.
Description of Lands:
Roll No. 54 66 000 002 22501 0000; PIN 61226-0519(LT) Parcel 5142
Section CST; Part Mining Claim L9531 Gauthier, Surface Rights Only,
as in LT67411; Reserving Surface Rights Only, on and over the Right of
Way of the Transmission Line of the Northern Ontario Light and Power
Company Limited; Part Mining Claim L9532 Gauthier, Surface Rights
Only, as in LT67412; Reserving Surface Rights Only, on and over the
Right of Way of the Transmission Line of the Northern Ontario Light
and Power Company Limited; except LT67899; Gauthier; District of
Timiskaming. File 10-02
Minimum Tender Amount: $5,056.13
Roll No. 54 66 000 001 12400 0000; McKay St. Dobie; PIN 61226-
0395(LT) Parcel 7514 Section CST; Lot 124 Plan M133TIM Gauthier,
Surface Rights Only, Subject to LT67411 & LT67412; Gauthier; District
of Timiskaming. File 10-03
Minimum Tender Amount: $9,121.78 
Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be accompanied
by a deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank draft or cheque
certified by a bank or trust corporation payable to the municipality and
representing at least 20 per cent of the tender amount.
Except as follows, the municipality makes no representation regarding
the title to or any other matters relating to the lands to be sold.
Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential
This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal Tax
Sales Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will be required
to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and the relevant land
transfer tax.
The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the
successful purchaser.
Note: HST may be payable by successful purchaser.
For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the prescribed
form of tender visit, or if no internet available
Ms. Dianne Quinn
The Corporation of the Township of Gauthier
P.O. Box 65
30 McPherson Street
Dobie, Ontario P0K 1B0
TAKE NOTICE that tenders are invited for the purchase of the land(s)
described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on
Wednesday, February 15, 2012 at the Treasurer’s Office, City of Welland,
60 East Main Street, Welland, Ontario.
The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day at 3:15 p.m. at
City of Welland, 60 East Main Street, Welland, Ontario.
Description of Lands:
Roll No. 2719 030-008-02600-0000
PIN 64108-0219 (LT)
Pt Lot 59 PL 575 as in RO568289
in the City of Welland, in the Regional Municipality of Niagara
Frontage: 66.0 ft., Depth: 40.3 ft.
Municipal Address: 82-84 Kent Street
2012 Current Value Assessment–$110,000
Class: Residential
Minimum Tender Amount: $37,068.88
(set out the cancellation price as the first day of advertising)
Roll No. 2719 040-010-07600-0000
PIN 64109-0193 (LT)
Lot 118 PL 573
in the City of Welland, in the Regional Municipality of Niagara
Frontage: 50.0 ft., Depth: 152.0 ft.
Municipal Address: 179 Burgar Street
2012 Current Value Assessment: $160,000
Class: Residential
Minimum Tender Amount: $16,244.27
(set out the cancellation price as of the first day of advertising) 
Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be accompanied
by a deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank draft or cheque
certified by a bank or trust corporation payable to the municipality and
representing at least 20 per cent of the tender amount.
Except as follows, the municipality makes no representation regarding
the title to or any other matters relating to the land to be sold.
Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential
This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal Tax
Sales Act. The successful purchaser will be required to pay the amount
tendered plus accumulated taxes and the relevant land transfer tax.
The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the
successful purchaser.
For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the prescribed
form of tender contact:
Kristine Douglas, BAcc, CMA,
City Treasurer
The Corporation of the City of Welland
Civic Square
60 East Main Street
Welland, ON L3B 3X4
905-735-1700 Ext. 2170