All tax sales on:
30 October 2010All tax sales from:
Township of KingSale of Lands for Tax Arrears
by Public Tender
TAKE NOTICE that tenders are invited for the purchase of the lands
described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on
Wednesday, November 17, 2010, at the Tax Office, 1st Floor, City Hall, 216
Ontario Street, Kingston, Ontario.
The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day as soon as
possible after 3:00 p.m. in the John Counter Room, at Kingston City Hall,
216 Ontario Street, Kingston.
Description of Lands:
1) Roll No., 661 Montreal St., Kingston,
PIN 36001-0056(LT), Pt Farm Lt 2 Con West Great Cataraqui River
Kingston; Pt Farm Lt 3 Con West Great Cataraqui River Kingston Pt 2 &
3, 13R12434; Kingston; County Of Frontenac
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 272,679.36
2) Roll No., 603 Montreal St., Kingston, PIN
36001-0080(LT), Pt Lt 1 PL C8 Kingston; Pt Farm Lt 2 Con West Great
Cataraqui River Kingston As In FR506470 S/T Interest In FR390157;
Kingston; County Of Frontenac
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 294,073.93
3) Roll No., 15 Joseph St./546 Montreal St.,
Kingston, PIN 36053-0014(LT), Lt 205 PL C22 Kingston; Pt Lt 194-
195, 206-208 PL C22 Kingston, As In Ck69456 (Firstly) & CK72937
Except Pt 1 13r13057 T/W CK69456, S/T FR261555; Kingston; County
Of Frontenac
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 531,749.01
4) Roll No., 576 Montreal St., Kingston, PIN
36053-0011(LT), Lt 150, 173, 200-204 PL C22 Kingston T/W CK69456,
S/T FR261555; Kingston; County Of Frontenac
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 445,550.56
5) Roll No., 594-598 Montreal St., Kingston,
PIN 36053-0009(LT), Pt Lt 199 PL C22 Kingston Pt 3, 13R6072, T/W
FR419235; Kingston; County Of Frontenac
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 137,094.48
6) Roll No. 600-602 Montreal St., Kingston,
PIN 36053-0008(LT), Pt Lt 199 PL C22 Kingston Pt 2, 13R6072, T/W
FR419234 Kingston; County Of Frontenac
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 72,213.14
7) Roll No., Montreal St., Kingston, PIN 36053-
0006(LT), Lt 126-127 PL C22 Kingston; Pt Lt 121, 196, 199 PL C22
Kingston As In CK69456 (Thirdly) Except Pt 1-3, 13R-6072, S/T
FR261555, FR419233, FR419234, FR419235; Kingston; County Of
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 290,154.70
8) Roll No., Not Assigned, (Railway Street)
Kingston, PIN 36053-0004(LT), Pt Lt 120-121, 196 PL C22 Kingston
As In FR105298 Except FR189302 S/T FR105298; Kingston; County
Of Frontenac
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 83,941.12
9) Roll No., 176 Railway St., Kingston, PIN
36055-0040(LT), Pt Lt 82-86 PL C22 Kingston; Pt Duff St PL C22
Kingston As Closed By Bl498, As In FR158227 & FR172567, Except
FR452426 & FR667168; Kingston; County Of Frontenac
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 320,543.78
10) Roll No., 771 Division St., Kingston, PIN
36056-0041(LT), Pt Farm Lt 4 Con West Great Cataraqui River Kingston
As In FR507504; Kingston; County Of Frontenac
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 358,308.48
11) Roll No., Sutherland Dr. N/S, Kingston, PIN
36000-0472(LT), Pt Lt 1, PL 793, As In FR495771; Pt Lt 4, PL 793, As
In FR495772, Except Pt 1, 13R7353; Kingston
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 81,955.08
12) Roll No., 1121 Montreal St., Kingston, PIN
36000-0358(LT), Pt Lts 2-3, PL 334, Pt 1, 13R8628; S/T FR108512,
FR114171; Kingston
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 156,822.28
13) Roll No., 1100 Montreal St., Kingston, PIN
36058-0212(LT), Pt S1/2 Lt 1 PL 68 Kingston As In FR512397 S/T
Interest In FR389268; Kingston; County Of Frontenac
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 139,097.79
14) Roll No., 3842-3850 Princess St., Kingston,
PIN 36265-0046(R), Part Of Lot 7, Concession 3, Western Addition,
City Of Kingston (Formerly The Township Of Kingston), County Of
Frontenac Previously Described In Instrument Number FR586475
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 120,504.99 
Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be accompanied
by a deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank draft or cheque
certified by a bank or trust corporation payable to the City of Kingston and
representing at least 20 per cent of the tender amount.
The municipality makes no representation regarding the title to or any other
matters, including any environmental concerns, relating to the land to be sold.
Any existing Federal or Provincial liens or executions will remain on title
and may become the responsibility of the potential purchaser. Responsibility
for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers. The City
of Kingston does not provide an opportunity for potential purchasers to
view properties nor is it in a position to provide successful purchasers with
a key. The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to
the successful purchaser.
This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal Tax
Sales Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will be required
to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes, penalty and interest,
HST if applicable and the relevant land transfer tax.
Copies of the prescribed tender forms are available at the Tax Office, 216
Ontario Street, City Hall, or at Call 613-
546-4291 ext. 2468 for additional information regarding this sale.
Ms. Patricia Carrol
Manager of Taxation & Revenue
The Corporation of the City of Kingston
City Hall
216 Ontario Street
(143-P414) Kingston, Ontario K7L 4X1