All tax sales on:
27 September 2014All tax sales from:
Municipality of WawaSale of Lands for Tax Arrears
by Public Tender
TAKE NOTICE that tenders are invited for the purchase of the lands described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on October 22, 2014, at the Wawa Town Hall, 40 Broadway Avenue, Wawa, Ontario.
The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day as soon as possible after 3:00 p.m. at the Wawa Town Hall, 40 Broadway Avenue, Wawa.
Description of Land(s):
Roll No. 57 76 000 001 11101 0000; FIRSTLY: PIN 31169-0368(LT); Parcel 2304 Section AWS; Lot 281 Plan M27 McMurray; Michipicoten; SECONDLY: PIN 31169-0405(LT); Parcel 2524 Section AWS; Lot 282 Plan M27 McMurray; Michipicoten; File No. 13-01
Minimum Tender Amount: $10,100.44
Roll No. 57 76 000 001 06300 0000; 16 Broadway Ave, Wawa; PIN 31169-0227(LT); Parcel 24 Section AWS; Lot 94 Plan M27 McMurray; Michipicoten; File No. 13-02
Minimum Tender Amount: $18,485.44
Roll No. 57 76 000 003 22100 0000; 53 Government Rd, Wawa; PIN 31169-0626(LT); Parcel 4789 Section AWS; Part Mining Claim SSM8619 McMurray designated Part 2 Plan AR114; Reserving the Surface Rights Only on and over the Travelled Road; Michipicoten; File No. 13-04
Minimum Tender Amount: $8,673.70
Roll No. 57 76 000 005 00200 0000; 36 Montreal Ave, Wawa; PIN 31169-1380(LT); Parcel 656 Section MICH Surface Rights Only; Lots 1457 and 1458 Plan M168 McMurray; Michipicoten; File No. 13-07
Minimum Tender Amount: $31,129.84
Roll No. 57 76 000 005 02100 0000; 80 Toronto Ave, Wawa; PIN 31169-1370(LT); Parcel 639 Section MICH Surface Rights Only; Lot 1473 Plan M168 McMurray; S/T execution #32012 if enforceable; Michipicoten; File No. 13-08
Minimum Tender Amount: $13,135.54
Roll No. 57 76 000 005 02500 0000; 88 Toronto Ave, Wawa; PIN 31169-1365(LT); Parcel 624 1/2 Section MICH Surface Rights Only; Lot 1469 Plan M168 McMurray; Michipicoten; File No. 13-09
Minimum Tender Amount: $12,888.45
Roll No. 57 76 000 007 18005 0000; PIN 31170-0149(LT); Parcel 12387 Section AWS Surface Rights Only; Location CL6552 Lendrum, designated Part 1 Plan 1R8272; Michipicoten; File No. 13-11
Minimum Tender Amount: $53,131.89
0033(LT); Parcel 12334 Section AWS Surface Rights Only; Location MS3 Bailloquet; Michipicoten; File No. 13-12
Minimum Tender Amount: $37,661.63 
Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be accompanied by a deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank draft or cheque certified by a bank or trust corporation payable to the municipality and representing at least 20 per cent of the tender amount.
Except as follows, the municipality makes no representation regarding the title to, interests of the Crown, environmental contamination or any other matters relating to the lands to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers.
This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal Tax Sales Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will be required to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes, HST if applicable and the relevant land transfer tax.
The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the successful purchaser.
For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the prescribed form of tender, visit: or if no internet access available, contact:
Desiree Norwegian
Revenue Associate
The Corporation of the Municipality of Wawa
P.O. Box 500
40 Broadway Avenue
Wawa ON P0S 1K0
705-856-2244 Ext. 233