All tax sales on:
4 September 2004All tax sales from:
SudburySale of Lands for Tax Arrears
by Public Tender
Tenders for the purchase of land(s) as described below may be obtained
from the City of Greater Sudbury, Supplies & Services Department, 1st
Floor, Tom Davies Square, 200 Brady Street, Sudbury or through the
City’s website at Be sure to register to receive
addendums. If you do not register, you will not be notified of properties
that have been cancelled and/or removed from the Tax Sale List.
Take Notice that tenders for the purchase of the land(s) as described
below will be received NO LATER THAN 3:00 p.m. (Our time), on
Monday, September 27th, 2004 at the Supplies & Services Department,
1st Floor, Tom Davies Square, 200 Brady Street, Sudbury, ON. The tenders
will then be opened in public on the same day at 3:30 p.m., in Room
C-11 at Tom Davies Square.
Description of Land: File #02-152 (Roll #240.003.02300), Dryden Township,
Dryden Twp, Con 3 Lot 8 Pcl 5717, PIN 73481-0487
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 7,011.28
Description of Land: File #02-154 (Roll #240.003.07330), 191 Ray Street,
Dryden Twp, Con 3 Lot 10, Pcl 53M-1258-1 Plan 53M1258 Lot 1, PIN
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 7,962.77
Description of Land: File #02-155 (Roll #240.003.07331), 201 Ray Street,
Dryden Twp, Con 3 Lot 10, Pcl 53M-1258-2 Plan 53M1258 Lot 2,
7405.00 SF 55.22 FR, PIN 73481-0534
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 7,962.77
Description of Land: File #02-157 (Roll #240.003.29000), 25 Laren
Street, Dryden Twp, Con 3 Lot 9, Plan M9, REM Lot 42, BLK B, Pcl
6298 53R-9050 Part 6, 1227.00 SF 34.00 FR, PIN 73481-0482
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 6,507.19
Description of Land: File #02-163 (Roll #250.003.04900), 0 Hwy 537,
Cleland Twp, Con 2 Pt Lot 12 Pcl 35546, REM RP SR2922 Part 15 IR,
33344.00 SF 91.66 FR 91.66 D, PIN 73469-0147
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 7,121.91
Description of Land: File #02-165 (Roll #250.003.07500), Cleland Township,
Cleland Twp, Con 3 S.W. ¼ of Lot 1, Pcl 17804, 78.25 AC, PIN
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 8,930.77
Description of Land: File #02-166 (Roll #250.003.09900), 115 Labre
Road, Cleland Twp, Con 3 Lot 4, Summer Location AE562 Pcl 22842,
49658.40 SF, PIN 73469-0094
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 9,177.20
Description of Land: File #02-170 (Roll #250.004.02700), Scadding
Township, Scadding Twp, Con 2 S.E. ¼ of N ½ of Lot 8, Pcl 5194,
AC, PIN 73514-0047 M.C. - S5508
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 5,978.27
Description of Land: File #02-171 (Roll #250.004.02800), Scadding
Township, Scadding Twp, Con 2 N.E. ¼ of N ½ of Lot 8, Pcl 5192,
40.00 AC PIN 73514-0049 M.C. - S5441
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 5,978.27
Description of Land: File #02-172 (Roll #250.004.02900), Scadding
Township, Scadding Twp, Con 3 Pt Lot 8 Pcl 5193, 40.00 AC PIN 73514-
0048 M.C. - S5442
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 5,978.27
Description of Land: File #02-173 (Roll #090.014.07400), 0 Long Lake
Road, Broder Twp, Con 6 Pt Lot 6 Pcl 50686, RP 53R14994 Pts 1 to 12,
24.90 AC PIN 73475-0135
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 609,987.84
Description of Land: File #03-01 (Roll #010.018.00100), 2800 Kingsway,
Neelon Twp, Con 4 Lot 9, Rem Pcl 29896 A, 46.88 AC
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 260,405.01
Description of Land: File #03-02 (Roll #010.018.00500), 0 Kingsway,
Neelon Twp, Con 4 Lot 9 Pcl 4187, Pcl 10114, 112.46 AC
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 62,622.48
Description of Land: File #03-05 (Roll #040.018.05500), 234 Bessie
Ave., McKim Twp, Con 4 Lot 6, 53R13321 Parts 1 & 3, 5 to 9, 28314.00
SF PIN 02135-0066
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 263,269.11
Description of Land: File #03-06 (Roll #050.001.00100), 227 Lorne
Street, McKim Twp, Con 3 Lot 6, Inst 103159 IR, 2163.00 SF 129.54
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 44,589.92
Description of Land: File #03-07 (Roll #050.001.00200), 185 Lorne
Street, McKim Twp, Con 3 Lot 6, IR Instrument #74576, 1.22 AC 487.00
Minimum Tender Amount: $687,911.52
Description of Land: File #03-08 (Roll #050.008.05900), 433 Lorne
Street, McKim Twp, Con 3 Lot 7 Plan 4S, Pt Lot 408 Inst 99177, 3280.00
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 51,038.12
Description of Land: File #03-09 (Roll #050.012.06100), 797 Lorne
Street, McKim Twp, Con 2 Lot 7 Pcl 19030, Pcl 163 Pcl 23884 Plan
M96, Pt Lot 7 Pt Lot 8, 21870.00 SF 50.00 FR
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 98,497.84
Description of Land: File #03-13 (Roll #110.002.30900), 259 Fielding
Road, Waters Twp, Con 5 Lot 2 Pcl 28624, 21.78 AC 736.80 FR
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 992,343.26
Description of Land: File #03-14 (Roll #110.002.31000), 235 Fielding
Road, Waters Twp, Con 5 Lot 2 Pcl 28623, 53R-11242 Parts 6, 7, 8, 9,
11, 12, 13, 14, 15, , 16, 17, 18 4.50 AC
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 293,293.51
Description of Land: File #03-15 (Roll #110.002.31100), 235 Fielding
Road, Waters Twp, Con 5 Lot 2 Pcl 21275, RP 53R11242 Parts 1 to 5 &
10, 8.21 AC
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 233,580.64
Description of Land: File #03-16 (Roll #110.004.16300), 675 Regional
Road 55, Waters Twp, Con 4 Lot 7 Pcl 16815, RP SR1110 Part 1, 13.11
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 83,222.67
Description of Land: File #03-17 (Roll #150.003.21600), 47 B Levack
Drive, Levack Twp, Con 1 Lot 8 Plan M1011, Lot 21 Pcl 24277, 6624.00
SF 46.00 FR 144.00 D
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 64,371.36
Description of Land: File #03-18 (Roll #160.002.10000), 3555 Highway
144, Balfour Twp, Con 2 Lot 2 Pcl 27905, RP 53R10248 Parts 1 to
4, 31798.00 SF 147.92 FR
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 152,332.68
Tenders must be submitted using the address label sheet provided, in the
prescribed form and must be accompanied by a deposit in the form of a
money order or of a bank draft or cheque certified by a bank or trust
corporation payable to the municipality and representing at least 20 per
cent of the tender amount.
Except as follows, the municipality makes no representations regarding
the title to or any other matters relating to the land to be sold. Responsibility
for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers.
Potential Purchasers must obtain all information regarding these
properties on their own. Frequently Asked Questions and Maps of all
properties are also posted on the City’s website at
This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal Tax
Sales Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will be required
to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and the relevant
land transfer tax.
The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the
successful purchaser. 
Questions regarding any aspect of this Public Tender Tax Sale must be
received in writing via email to or in
writing by fax to (705) 671-0871.
Tony Derro
Chief Tax Collector
Darryl Mathé
Manager of Supplies and Services/
Purchasing Agent
P.O. Box 5000 Stn A
200 Brady Street
(137-P235) Sudbury, ON P3A 5P3
Municipal Act, 2001