Ontario Tax Sale Property

Providing free tax sale property listings for Ontario, Canada

Sale of Lands for Tax Arrears
by Public Tender


TAKE NOTICE that tenders are invited for the purchase of the land
described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on June
13, 2024, at the Township of Ear Falls Municipal Office, 2 Willow
Crescent, Ear Falls Ontario.
The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day as soon as
possible after 3:00 p.m. at the Township of Ear Falls Municipal Office,
2 Willow Crescent, Ear Falls.
Description of Land(s):

Roll No. 60 42 000 001 23600 0000; 77 FOREST DR., EAR FALLS;
PIN 42180-0037 (LT); PCL 5531 SEC DPF; LT 37 PL M700; EAR
FALLS; File No. 22-04
According to the last returned assessment roll, the assessed value of
the land is $25,500
Minimum Tender Amount: $12,431.33

Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be
accompanied by a deposit of at least 20 per cent of the tender amount,
which deposit shall be made by way of a certified cheque/bank draft/
money order payable to the municipality.
Except as follows, the municipality makes no representation regarding
the title to or any other matters relating to the land to be sold. Responsibility
for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers.
The assessed value, according to the last returned assessment roll, may
or may not be representative of the current market value of the property.
Pursuant to the Prohibition on the Purchase of Residential Property
by Non-Canadians Act, S.C. 2022, c. 10, s. 235 (the "Act"), effective
January 1, 2023, it is prohibited for a non-Canadian to purchase,
directly or indirectly, any residential property, as those terms are
defined in the legislation. Contraventions of the Act are punishable by
a fine, and offending purchasers may be ordered to sell the residential
The municipality assumes no responsibility whatsoever for ensuring
bidders/tenderers comply with the Act, and makes no representations
regarding same. Prospective bidders/tenderers are solely responsible
for ensuring compliance with the Act and are advised to seek legal
advice before participating in this sale.
Transfers of properties that contain at least one and not more than
six single family residences and are transferred to non-residents of
Canada or foreign entities, are subject to the Province's Non-Resident
Speculation Tax (NRST).
This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal
Tax Sales Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will be
required to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and any
taxes that may be applicable, such as a land transfer tax and HST.
The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the
successful purchaser.
A copy of the prescribed form of tender is available on the website
of the Government of Ontario Central Forms Repository under the
listing for the Ministry of Municipal Affairs.
For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the
prescribed form of tender, visit: www.OntarioTaxSales.ca or if no
internet access available, contact:
Kimberly Ballance
Clerk Treasurer Administrator
The Corporation of the
Township of Ear Falls
2 Willow Crescent
P.O. Box 309
Ear Falls ON P0V 1T0
(807) 222-3624 Ext. 1027


TAKE NOTICE that tenders are invited for the purchase of the lands
described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on June
12, 2024, at the Township of Chatsworth Municipal Office, 316837
Highway 6, Chatsworth Ontario.
The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day as soon
as possible after 3:00 p.m. at the Township of Chatsworth Municipal
Office, 316837 Highway 6, Chatsworth.
Description of Land(s):

1. Roll No. 42 04 360 005 12400 0000; 777009 HIGHWAY 10,
HOLLAND CENTRE; PIN 37179-0160 (LT); LT 4-5 PL 126
According to the last returned assessment roll, the assessed value
of the land is $140,000
Minimum Tender Amount: $21,752.84

2. Roll No. 42 04 360 001 09430 0000; ELDER LANE; PIN 37176-
0160 (LT); PT LT 15 CON 2 EGR HOLLAND PT 1 16R8927;
CHATSWORTH; File No. 22-18
According to the last returned assessment roll, the assessed value
of the land is $33,000
Minimum Tender Amount: $9,455.18
3. Roll No. 42 04 320 001 01700 0000; NOT ASSIGNED; PIN
37184-0274 (LT); LT 6 RCP 1038; S/T EXECUTION 87-0008203,
According to the last returned assessment roll, the assessed value
of the land is $15,500
Minimum Tender Amount: $20,588.78

Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be
accompanied by a deposit of at least 20 per cent of the tender amount,
which deposit shall be made by way of a certified cheque/bank draft/
money order payable to the municipality.
Except as follows, the municipality makes no representation regarding
the title to, availability of road access, or any other matters relating to
the lands to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests
with the potential purchasers. The assessed value, according to the last
returned assessment roll, may or may not be representative of the current
market value of the property.
Pursuant to the Prohibition on the Purchase of Residential Property
by Non-Canadians Act, S.C. 2022, c. 10, s. 235 (the "Act"), effective
January 1, 2023, it is prohibited for a non-Canadian to purchase,
directly or indirectly, any residential property, as those terms are
defined in the legislation. Contraventions of the Act are punishable by
a fine, and offending purchasers may be ordered to sell the residential
The municipality assumes no responsibility whatsoever for ensuring
bidders/tenderers comply with the Act, and makes no representations
regarding same. Prospective bidders/tenderers are solely responsible
for ensuring compliance with the Act and are advised to seek legal
advice before participating in this sale.
Transfers of properties that contain at least one and not more than
six single family residences and are transferred to non-residents of
Canada or foreign entities, are subject to the Province's Non-Resident
Speculation Tax (NRST).
This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal
Tax Sales Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will
be required to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and
any taxes that may be applicable, such as a land transfer tax and HST.
The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the
successful purchaser.
A copy of the prescribed form of tender is available on the website
of the Government of Ontario Central Forms Repository under the
listing for the Ministry of Municipal Affairs.
For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the
prescribed form of tender, visit: www.OntarioTaxSales.ca or if no
internet access available, contact:
Wanda Robertson
Deputy Treasurer/Tax Collector
The Corporation of the
Township of Chatsworth
316837 Highway 6
RR 1
Chatsworth ON N0H 1G0
519-794-3232 Ext 125


TAKE NOTICE that tenders are invited for the purchase of the lands
described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on June
13, 2024, at Town of Innisfil Municipal Office, 2101 Innisfil Beach
Road, Innisfil Ontario.
The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day as soon as
possible after 3:00 p.m. at the Town of Innisfil Municipal Office, 2101
Innisfil Beach Road, Innisfil.
Description of Land(s):

1. Roll No. 43 16 010 011 15000 0000; BIRCH AVE.; PIN 58989-
0207 (LT); LT 142 PL 759 INNISFIL; LT 143 PL 759 INNISFIL;
LT 144 PL 759 INNISFIL; INNISFIL; File No. 22-23
According to the last returned assessment roll, the assessed value
of the land is $10,600
Minimum Tender Amount: $6,472.83

2. Roll No. 43 16 010 023 22068 0000; 1121 CORRIE ST.,
INNISFIL; PIN 58995-0084 (LT); PCL 181-1 SEC 51M560; LT
File No. 22-26
According to the last returned assessment roll, the assessed value
of the land is $296,000
Minimum Tender Amount: $32,741.44

3. Roll No. 43 16 010 024 08800 0000; 1997 ST. PAUL RD.,
INNISFIL; PIN 58073-0167 (LT); LT 61 PL 1378; INNISFIL;
File No. 22-27
According to the last returned assessment roll, the assessed value
of the land is $203,000
Minimum Tender Amount: $33,212.01

Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be
accompanied by a deposit of at least 20 per cent of the tender amount,
which deposit shall be made by way of a certified cheque/bank draft/
money order payable to the municipality.
Except as follows, the municipality makes no representation regarding
the title to, crown interests, availability of road access or any other matters
relating to the lands to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these
matters rests with the potential purchasers. Any interests of the Federal
or Provincial Crown encumbering the land at the time of the tax sale will
continue to encumber the land after the registration of the tax deed. The
assessed value according to the last returned assessment roll may or may
not be representative of the current market value of the property.
Pursuant to the Prohibition on the Purchase of Residential Property
by Non-Canadians Act, S.C. 2022, c. 10, s. 235 (the "Act"), effective
January 1, 2023, it is prohibited for a non-Canadian to purchase,
directly or indirectly, any residential property, as those terms are
defined in the legislation. Contraventions of the Act are punishable by
a fine, and offending purchasers may be ordered to sell the residential
The municipality assumes no responsibility whatsoever for ensuring
bidders/tenderers comply with the Act, and makes no representations
regarding same. Prospective bidders/tenderers are solely responsible
for ensuring compliance with the Act and are advised to seek legal
advice before participating in this sale.
Transfers of properties that contain at least one and not more than
six single family residences and are transferred to non-residents of
Canada or foreign entities, are subject to the Province's Non-Resident
Speculation Tax (NRST).
This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal
Tax Sales Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will
be required to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and
any taxes that may be applicable, such as a land transfer tax and HST.
The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the
successful purchaser.
A copy of the prescribed form of tender is available on the website
of the Government of Ontario Central Forms Repository under the
listing for the Ministry of Municipal Affairs.
For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the
prescribed form of tender, visit: www.OntarioTaxSales.ca or if no
internet access available, contact:
Marjut Luoma-Uhlik
Revenue Taxation Officer
The Corporation of the Town of Innisfil
2101 Innisfil Beach Road
Innisfil ON L9S 1A1
(705) 436-3740 Ext 2330


TAKE NOTICE that tenders are invited for the purchase of the
land(s) described below and will be received until 3:00 pm local time
on June 6, 2024 at the Corporation of the Township of Mattice-Val
Cote located at 500 Hwy 11, PO Bag 129, Mattice, ON, P0L 1T0.
Description of Land(s):

1. Municipal Address 207 Balmoral Avenue
Mattice-ValCote, ON
PIN 65056-0284
Property Description PCL 4353 SEC CC; LT 232 PL M2C
Roll number 5677 007 00424200 0000
Minimum Tender Amount: $22,798.90
According to the last returned assessment roll, the assessed value
of the land is $46,500.00.

2. Municipal Address 284 King Street, Mattice
PIN 65056-0103
Property Description PCL 6903 SEC CC; LT 107 PL M2C
Roll number 5677 007 00410900 0000
Minimum Tender Amount: $6,683.65
According to the last returned assessment roll, the assessed value
of the land is $8,500.00.

3. Municipal Address 272 King Street
PIN 65056-0112
Property Description PCL 7610 SEC CC; LT113 PL M2C
Roll number 5677 007 00411500 0000
Minimum Tender Amount: $18,399.49
According to the last returned assessment roll, the assessed value
of the land is $44,000.00 Commercial.

4. Municipal Address 156 Third Street, Mattice-Val Cote
PIN 65056-0111
Property Description PCL 4439 SEC CC; N 1/2 LT 114 PL
Roll number 5677 007 00411600 0000
Minimum Tender Amount: $13,216.32
According to the last returned assessment roll, the assessed value
of the land is $44,000.00.

5. Municipal Address Vacant Land
PIN 65049-0012
Property Description PCL 1507 SEC CC; LT 4 CON 2
Roll number 5677 009 00403800 0000
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 9,026.14
According to the last returned assessment roll, the assessed value
of the land is $17,000.00.

6. Municipal Address Vacant Land
PIN 65056-0055
Property Description PCL 5792 SEC CC SRO; W 1/2 LT 18
Roll number 5677 007 00512900 0000
Minimum Tender Amount: $11,601.00
According to the last returned assessment roll, the assessed value
of the land is $15,800.00.

7. Municipal Address Vacant Land
PIN 65049-0010
Property Description PCL 2225 SEC CC; E 1/2 LT 4 CON
Roll number 5677 009 00407000 0000
Minimum Tender Amount: $11,609.70
According to the last returned assessment roll, the assessed value
of the land is $15,800.00.

8. Municipal Address Vacant Land
PIN 65049-0011
Property Description PCL 3877 SEC CC; W 1/2 LT 4 CON
Roll number 5677 009 00407100 0000
Minimum Tender Amount: $11,609.71
According to the last returned assessment roll, the assessed value
of the land is $15,800.00.

Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be
accompanied by a deposit of at least 20 per cent of the tender amount,
which deposit shall be made by way of a certified cheque/bank draft/
money order payable to the municipality.
Except as follows, the municipality makes no representation regarding
the title to or any other matters relating to the land to be sold. Responsibility
for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers.
The assessed value, according to the last returned assessment roll, may
or may not be representative of the current market value of the property.
Pursuant to the Prohibition on the Purchase of Residential Property
by Non-Canadians Act, S.C. 2022, c. 10, s. 235 (the "Act"), effective
January 1, 2023, it is prohibited for a non-Canadian to purchase,
directly or indirectly, any residential property, as those terms are
defined in the legislation. Contraventions of the Act are punishable by
a fine, and offending purchasers may be ordered to sell the residential
The municipality assumes no responsibility whatsoever for ensuring
bidders/tenderers comply with the Act, and makes no representations
regarding same. Prospective bidders/tenderers are solely responsible
for ensuring compliance with the Act and are advised to seek legal
advice before participating in this sale.
This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal
Tax Sales Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will
be required to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and
any taxes that may be applicable, such as a land transfer tax and HST.
The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the
successful purchaser.
Tender packages for properties in a tax sale process will be available at
the Township of Mattice-Val Cote or visit www.matticevalcote.ca and
go to Governance and Public Tender.
For further information contact the treasurer Annie Plamondon.
500 Hwy 11, PO Bag 129
Mattice, ON, P0L 1T0

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