Ontario Tax Sale Property

Providing free tax sale property listings for Ontario, Canada

Sale of Lands for Tax Arrears
by Public Tender


TAKE NOTICE that tenders are invited for the purchase of the
lands described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time
on October 23, 2019 at the Moosonee Town Office, 5 First Street,
Moosonee Ontario.
The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day as soon as
possible after 3:00 p.m. at the Moosonee Town Office, 5 First Street,
Description of Land(s):

Roll No. 56 65 000 002 16000 0000; 12 Ferguson Rd., Moosonee;
PIN 65221-0025(LT); Parcel 8712 Section NEC; Lot 26 Plan M333C
Townsite of Moosonee Surface Rights Only; Town of Moosonee; File
No. 18-02
According to the last returned assessment roll, the assessed value of the
land is $53,000
Minimum Tender Amount: $13,020.43

Roll No. 56 65 000 002 09500 0000; 32 Ferguson Rd., Moosonee;
PIN 65221-0085(LT); Parcel 7973 Section NEC; Lot 10 Plan M321C
Townsite of Moosonee Surface Rights Only; Town of Moosonee; File
No. 18-04
According to the last returned assessment roll, the assessed value of the
land is $44,500
Minimum Tender Amount: $26,768.10

Roll No. 56 65 000 002 04900 0000; 25 Gardiner Rd., Moosonee;
PIN 65221-0114(LT); Parcel 8311 Section NEC; Lot 494 Plan M14C
Townsite of Moosonee Surface Rights Only; Town of Moosonee; File
No. 18-05
According to the last returned assessment roll, the assessed value of the
land is $45,000
Minimum Tender Amount: $26,790.06

Roll No. 56 65 000 002 04700 0000; 21 Gardiner Rd., Moosonee;
PIN 65221-0112(LT); Parcel 9114 Section NEC; Lot 493 Plan M14C
Townsite of Moosonee Surface Rights Only; Town of Moosonee; File
No. 18-06
According to the last returned assessment roll, the assessed value of the
land is $51,000
Minimum Tender Amount: $14,657.40

Roll No. 56 65 000 002 03400 0000; 46 Ferguson Rd., Moosonee;
PIN 65221-0092(LT); Parcel 8130 Section NEC; Lot 481 Plan M14C
Townsite of Moosonee Surface Rights Only; Town of Moosonee; File
No. 18-07
According to the last returned assessment roll, the assessed value of the
land is $46,000
Minimum Tender Amount: $23,919.88

Roll No. 56 65 000 002 03300 0000; 44 Ferguson Rd., Moosonee;
PIN 65221-0091(LT); Parcel 7323 Section NEC; Lot 480 Plan M14C
Townsite of Moosonee Surface Rights Only; Town of Moosonee; File
No. 18-08
According to the last returned assessment roll, the assessed value of the
land is $123,000
Minimum Tender Amount: $31,823.33

Roll No. 56 65 000 001 39116 0000; 9 Musko Ave., Moosonee; PIN
65221-0492(LT); Parcel 7851 Section NEC; Lot 15 Plan M362C
Townsite of Moosonee Surface Rights Only provided and Her Majesty
the Queen in Right of Canada does hereby covenant and agree, that
it will not do, make or suffer any construction to be made or done or
anything to be erected, placed or kept on the said lands which shall
or may have the result of diverting the natural drainage of water
as presently draining from those parts of Parcel 1570 North East
Cochrane not hereby conveyed to the lands hereby conveyed unless
and until Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada shall have taken
appropriate and effective steps to provide adequately for such altered
drainage; Town of Moosonee; File No. 18-11
According to the last returned assessment roll, the assessed value of the
land is $125,000
Minimum Tender Amount: $40,648.28

Roll No. 56 65 000 001 23800 0000; 37 Wabun Rd., Moosonee; PIN
65221-0292(LT); Parcel 7610 Section NEC; Lot 305 Plan M14C
Townsite of Moosonee Surface Rights Only; Town of Moosonee; File
No. 18-13
According to the last returned assessment roll, the assessed value of the
land is $112,000
Minimum Tender Amount: $50,316.76

Roll No. 56 65 000 001 23602 0000; 44 Wabun Rd., Moosonee; PIN
65221-0267(LT); Parcel 9133 Section NEC; Part Lots 300 and 301
Plan M14C Townsite of Moosonee, Surface Rights Only, being Parts
24 & 25, Plan 6R4264; Town of Moosonee; File No. 18-16
According to the last returned assessment roll, the assessed value of the
land is $144,000
Minimum Tender Amount: $48,180.75

Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be
accompanied by a deposit of at least 20 per cent of the tender amount,
which deposit shall be made by way of a certified cheque/bank draft/
money order payable to the municipality.
Except as follows, the municipality makes no representation regarding
the title to, crown interests, availability of road access or any other
matters relating to the lands to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining
these matters rests with the potential purchasers. Any interests of the
Federal or Provincial Crown encumbering the land at the time of the
tax sale will continue to encumber the land after the registration of the
tax deed. The assessed value according to the last returned assessment
roll may or may not be representative of the current market value of the
This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal
Tax Sales Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will
be required to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and
any taxes that may be applicable, such as a land transfer tax and HST.
The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the
successful purchaser.
A copy of the prescribed form of tender is available on the website
of the Government of Ontario Central Forms Repository under the
listing for the Ministry of Municipal Affairs.
For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the
prescribed form of tender, visit: www.OntarioTaxSales.ca or if no
internet access available, contact:
Shelley Petten
Clerk Treasurer
The Corporation of the Town of Moosonee
5 First Street, P.O. Box 727
Moosonee ON P0L 1Y0


TAKE NOTICE that tenders are invited for the purchase of the
land(s) described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m local time
on November 7, 2019 at 419 Notre Dame Street, Belle River, Ontario,
N0R 1A0.
The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day at 419 Notre
Dame Street, Council Chambers, Belle River, Ontario, N0R 1A0, at
3:05 p.m.
Description of Land(s):

PT LT 14 CON 5 WBR MAIDSTONE PT 1, 12 R18555;
Minimum Tender Amount: $9,265.18

Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be
accompanied by a deposit of at least 20 per cent of the tender amount,
which deposit shall be made by way of a certified cheque/bank draft/
money payable to the municipality (or board).
Except as follows, the municipality makes no representation regarding
the title to or any other matters relating to the land(s) to be sold. Responsibility
for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers.
If applicable, please check the following box:
 The land(s) does(do) not include mobile homes situate on the
This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal
Tax Sales Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will be
required to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and any
taxes that may be applicable, such as a land transfer tax.
The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the
successful purchaser.
According to the last returned assessment roll, the assessed value of the
land is $123,500.
A copy of the prescribed form of tender is available on the website
of the Government of Ontario Central Forms Repository under the
listing for the Ministry of Municipal Affairs.
For further information regarding this sale contact:
Michelle Heslop
Supervisor of Revenue
Corporation of the Town of Lakeshore
419 Notre Dame St.
Belle River, Ontario, N0R 1A0
519-728-2700 ext 249


TAKE NOTICE that tenders are invited for the purchase, individually,
of the lands described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local
time on the 6th day of November, 2019 at 3 Kirkland Street, PO Box
1757, Kirkland Lake, Ontario P2N 3P4.
The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day at 3:00 p.m.,
in the Council Chambers.
Description of Land(s):

Tax File 18-01 (Roll #5468-000-003-01709-0000)
10 Beaver Dr
TECK PT MC L2644PT RP 54R2966 PART 1 PCL 12578CST
IRREG 0.57AC 104.91FR D
Assessment: $494,000 Residential
2019 Municipal & Education Taxes: $9,828.44
Minimum Tender Amount: $64,601.10

Tax File 18-02 (Roll #5468-0000-003-01701-0000)
0 Beaver Dr
Assessment: $18,600 Residential
2019 Municipal & Education Taxes: $403.56
Minimum Tender Amount: $4,964.96

Tax File 18-03 (Roll #5468-000-016-19706-0000)
No Civic Address
REG 25.00AC FR D
Assessment: $13,900 Residential
2019 Municipal & Education Taxes: $261.44
Minimum Tender Amount: $2,929.60

Tax File 18-04 (Roll #5468-000-013-06000-0000)
3 McKelvie Ave
IRREG 1200.17SF 15.50FR D
Assessment: $72,000 Residential
2019 Municipal & Education Taxes: $1,507.90
Minimum Tender Amount: $11,036.42

Tax File 18-05 (Roll #5468-000-001-43600-0000)
0 Swastika Avenue
PLAN M158NB LOTS 143 AND 144 PCL 8793CST
REG 7840.80SF 79.20FR 99.00D
Assessment: $9,700 Residential
2019 Municipal & Education Taxes: $204.81
Minimum Tender Amount: $6,121.11

Tax File 18-06 (Roll #5468-000-009-11000-0000)
0 Folger St
PLAN M112T LOT 74 LOT 75 PCL 8397CST
REG 8000.00SF 80.00FR 100.00D
Assessment: $12,300 Residential
2019 Municipal & Education Taxes: $251.67
Minimum Tender Amount: $3,116.80

Tax File 18-07 (Roll #5468-000-017-23000-0000)
61 Brant St
PLAN M135T LOT 122 PCL 6821CST
REG 4001.60SF 40.00FR 100.04D
Assessment: $9,400 Residential
2019 Municipal & Education Taxes: $194.18
Minimum Tender Amount: $3,109.77

Tax File 18-08 (Roll #5468-000-010-12600-0000)
1 Government Rd E
PLAN M32T LOT 38 PT LOTS 39, 40 PCL 6756CST
Assessment: $29,000 Commercial Vacant
2019 Municipal & Education Taxes: $1,109.24
Minimum Tender Amount: $98,266.61

Tax File 18-09 (Roll #5468-000-015-15700-0000)
2 Premier Ave E
PLAN M111T E PT LOTS 34,35 PCLS 8398,6020CST
IRREG 2700.37SF 40.00FR D
Assessment: $62,000 Residential
2019 Municipal & Education Taxes: $1,209.57
Minimum Tender Amount: $11,870.96

Tax File 18-10 (Roll #5468-000-016-26000-0000)
695 Government Rd W
TECK MCL5433 MCL1850 AND RP 54R2382 PART 2 PCL
11809 SEC CST PCL11440 SEC CST
Assessment: $127,000 Commercial
2019 Municipal & Education Taxes: $5,988.49
Minimum Tender Amount: $11,421.58

All above properties are within the Municipality of Kirkland Lake,
District of Timiskaming.
Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be
accompanied by a deposit in the form of a money order, a bank draft,
or cheque certified by a bank or trust corporation payable to The
Corporation of the Town of Kirkland Lake and representing at least
20 percent of the tender amount.
The municipality makes no representation regarding the title to or
any other matters relating to the land to be sold. Responsibility for
ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers.
This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal
Tax Sale Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will be
required to pay the amount tendered plus additional costs.
The purchaser is obligated to obtain their own solicitor to complete
any transfer of property.
The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the
successful purchaser.
Note: HST may be payable by the successful purchaser.
For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the
prescribed form of tender visit our Website: www.kirklandlake.ca, or
Ashley Macleod
(705) 567-9361 Ext.232
Ryan Dagelman
(705) 567-9361 Ext.229
3 Kirkland Street
P.O. Box 1757
Kirkland Lake, ON P2N 3P4

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