Tax Sale Forum > Links and Resources

Tax sales on your smart phone

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OTS Jeff:
We've combined out Green Arrow NavigationTM with QR Code technology to make it easier to drive to tax sale properties.  Here's how it works:
1.  Go to any of the properties in Clarington on OTS
2.  Open the QR code scanner application in your Blackberry, iPhone or Android (choose 'Browser' if you're using an Android)
3.  Point your phone at the black and white box above the photo

That will open up an interactive aerial photo or map of the property using our Green Arrow NavigationTM .  You can zoom in, zoom out, and click on the Green Arrow to get driving directions to the property.  

I hope you'll find this feature to be helpful.  If you want info on where to download a free QR code scanner app, click here:

Best regards,

Jeff Oberman


--- Quote from: OTS Jeff on February 28, 2012, 01:31:23 PM ---We've combined out Green Arrow NavigationTM with QR Code technology to make it easier to drive to tax sale properties. 
Jeff Oberman

--- End quote ---

Thanks I can never get lost.  What ever happened to fumbling with maps in the front seat of the car, realizing that I brought the wrong ones, and having to drive 50 miles to get the right ones, usually on the day of the sale, you are helping to solve the world fuel shortage...and yet the price per litre keeps rising.     8)


--- Quote from: Frank on February 28, 2012, 01:54:29 PM ---
--- Quote from: OTS Jeff on February 28, 2012, 01:31:23 PM ---We've combined out Green Arrow NavigationTM with QR Code technology to make it easier to drive to tax sale properties. 
Jeff Oberman

--- End quote ---

Thanks I can never get lost.  What ever happened to fumbling with maps in the front seat of the car, realizing that I brought the wrong ones, and having to drive 50 miles to get the right ones, usually on the day of the sale, you are helping to solve the world fuel shortage...and yet the price per litre keeps rising.     8)

--- End quote ---


Thanks.  For readers see also the sister post on property boundary issues.  They are more common then people realize. 

For your next ap could you design one that tells me what this guy  8) and others are going to bid.  Ideally two days in avance so we will not have to waste time driving out to tax sales where people put in unrealistic bids.   ;D

If OTS and TRI-target are going to make us suffer thru your constant spamming and  linking. Can you at least give something to the users . Giveaway a free membership a week or something ..or just cut the damn spamming out

You are  not adding to the site. It is simply spamming

Actually, since you two enjoy all the free advertising ..why dont you actually quit being leeches and buy some adspace..actually pay Rob for his time and effort instead of being freeloading spammers

Rob..If they dont anti-up and pay you for advertising ..start deleting the links they put in to grab search engines or delete all their  messages completely


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