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Where to advertise land you want to sell

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I have used Kijiji and Craigslist and Now Backpages with fairly good success. But I'm wondering if anyone has any other ideas on free places to advertise.   Has anyone tried MLS without an agent? Is that worth the money?   I still haven't tried using an agent but I think they probably wont put in much effort to sell a 20 or 30k property.  Are there any other paid advertising sites that are actually cost effective?

Depending on the type of property you were trying to sell I would suggest using brokerage. Very reasonable listing rates.

The only site I have used to sell property other than most is Kijiji.

I've had success with just putting a 'For Sale' sign in front of the property.  8)

If the land has any value,   I am a firm believer in using local real estate agents when selling .  As a seller their greed is your friend and they will easily get you the best price.   Also you dont have to waste your time with people who will lowball or havent a penny to their name. Many of us have  sat in a field 3 hours from home just to listen to the dreams of the unemployed land developer or whatever who you thought you had qualified.

Low value , use kijiji but delete and renew the ads EVERYDAY and make two separate ads that are worded differently . One for the actual location and one for the GTA . If you run the same ad in more then one spot  they will kill it.

thanks for all the info, some good ideas out there. I wonder if its worthwhile to try and sell to the US or Europe and how would one go about it?

To pmf  do you have any experience with getting real estate agents to sell properties in the 15 to 30 thousand range. For me they have seemed not  interested or have asked for 10%

To Dave thanks for the great complements but I doubt I am the best flipper in Ontario, if I were I would be on a beach with 2 or 3 beauties instead of freezing here and going through a dry spell trying to sell land in the winter.


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