Tax Sale Forum > Properties for sale

Commission Rate for sale of property owned by fellow board members


Is there any precedent for the expected commission rate on the sale of any property owned by a fellow member of this board.  I am willing to take something in liquid refreshments but worried about the potential damage to my liver.   ;D

I thinks around 5.5 percent for beer or ale.  12-15 percent for wine.  :)


--- Quote from: Dave2 on May 27, 2010, 02:23:03 AM ---Is there any precedent for the expected commission rate on the sale of any property owned by a fellow member of this board.  I am willing to take something in liquid refreshments but worried about the potential damage to my liver.   ;D

--- End quote ---

Are you selling your own property or putting a vendor and purchaser together? On your own deal I don't think that you can tack on commission since vendor is responsible normally for the commission. In other cases, I would think no more than MLS and probably less but not less than 3%.

Just my two cents.

The owner is a regular member of this board who did a good buy on one of a kind property.
It is the type of property that there is a very thin market for buyer and seller.  Trying to help him get his base price for which a couple of brewski would be sufficient.  

Also Trying to help him get a premium price for which I hope he remembers me.



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