Property Information / Re: Oshawa property
« on: August 22, 2008, 07:12:14 PM »
I was there at the sale. Market value at the time had the house on Wilson street assessed at $186,000. The top bid was about $140,000 (give or take a couple thousand). One and his partner bid $110,000 and they were the ones that caused a stink about making sure the envelopes were properly address and marked etc. They wanted all the other improperly marked envelopes disqualified because the rules state very explicitly what has to be one the front of the envelope etc and if you haven't done it correctly - your bid is invalid. This would mean there bid was the winning bid. The treasurer wasn't sure what to do at the time and finally came up with redoing the tax sale a year later. There were a maybe a total of 100 bids. That's the scoop!