Tax Sale Forum > Property Information

Tiny, possible contaminated soil lot across landfill


25AC, Tiny Township. Sold for $103K across landfill, I think its overpay. This lot will require $150K environmental study before any permits.

Why would it need 150K on a  study?  Isn't it an old trichloroethene problem that is dissipating ? I would think the studies would exist from across the road  . The MOE doesn't stop at lot lines

If it is clear 103 is a steal

Zoning map shows that only a small bit of the 25 acres near the road was under a holding provision due to the contamination.

The rest is zoned RU and presumably is build-able. You'd probably want to invest in a good water filtration system though.

Also curious as to why OP thinks you'd need an environmental study.

Seems to be mostly forest and wetland - maybe you need conservation approval?

It is on municipal water and for an added bonus there is a fire hydrant within 300 meters of the property. PFM and slick deserve gold stars for their wisdom.


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