Sale of Lands for Tax Arrears
by Public Tender
TAKE NOTICE that tenders are invited for the purchase of the land(s)
described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time
On October 6, 2009, at the municipal office for the Corporation of the
Township of Ryerson (address below). Tenders will be opened in public on
the same day at the same place at 3:30 p.m.
Description of Lands:
Part of Lot 6, Concession 3, Township of Ryerson,
District of Parry Sound, designated as Part 2 on Plan 42R-13527, now
being all of PIN 52136-0279 and said to contain 14.6 acres more or less
and derelict buildings.
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 16,272.01 
Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be accompanied
by a deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank draft or cheque
certified by a bank or trust corporation payable to the municipality and
representing at least 20 per cent of the tender amount.
Except as follows, the municipality makes no representation regarding the
title to or any other matters relating to the land to be sold. Responsibility for
ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers.
This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal Tax
Sales Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will be required
to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and the relevant land
transfer tax and GST.
The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the
successful purchaser.
For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the prescribed form
of tender contact:
MRS Judy Kosowon-Treasurer
The Corporation of the Township of
28 Midlothian Road, R.R.#1,
Burks Falls, Ontario P0A 1C0
(142-P282) Tel.: 705-382-3232
The Corporation of the City of Pembroke more info
Take Notice that tenders are invited for the purchase of the lands described
below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on 7 October 2009, at
the City Hall, 1 Pembroke Street East, Pembroke, Ontario K8A 3J5.
The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day as soon as possible
after 3:00 p.m. at the City Hall, 1 Pembroke Street East, Pembroke.
Description of Lands:
Roll No. 47 64 000 045 06000 0000; 183 - 185 Pembroke St W Pembroke;
PIN 57139-0071(LT) Pt Lot 1, Block N, Plan 17 as in R326363; S/T
R326363; City of Pembroke; File 07-01
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 340,745.71 
Roll No. 47 64 000 060 06800 0000; 464 Pembroke St W Pembroke; PIN
57168-0005(LT) Lots 14 & 15, Plan 9; City of Pembroke. File No. 07-02
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 134,666.36
Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be accompanied
by a deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank draft or cheque
certified by a bank or trust corporation payable to the municipality and
representing at least 20 per cent of the tender amount.
Potential purchasers are strongly advised to make a careful investigation of
title and the index of executions for any estates or interest of the crown.
Except as follows, the municipality makes no representation regarding the
title to or any other matters relating to the lands to be sold. Responsibility for
ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers.
This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal Tax
Sales Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will be required
to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and the relevant land
transfer tax.
The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the
successful purchaser.
Note: G.S.T. may be payable by successful purchaser.
For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the prescribed form
of tender visit, or contact:
Ms. LeeAnn Eckford, AMCT
The Corporation of the City
of Pembroke
1 Pembroke Street East
Pembroke, Ontario K8A 3J5
613-735-6821 Ext. 1328
The Corporation of the Municipality of Wawa more info
Take Notice that tenders are invited for the purchase of the lands described
below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on 14 October 2009, at
the Municipal Office, P.O. Box 500, 40 Broadway Avenue, Wawa, Ontario
P0S 1K0.
The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day as soon as possible
after 3:00 p.m. at the Municipal Office, 40 Broadway Avenue, Wawa.
Description of Lands:
Roll No. 57 76 000 004 09601 0000, Hwy 101 E, PIN 31169-0634(LT),
Parcel 4886 Section AWS SRO; Location FD94 McMurray; Michipicoten.
File 07-01.
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 11,414.48
Roll No. 57 76 000 004 02300 0000, 37 Magpie Rd, PIN 31169-1444(LT),
Parcel 727 Section MICH SRO; Lot 1383 Plan M133 McMurray;
Michipicoten. File 07-02.
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 11,357.00 
Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be accompanied
by a deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank draft or cheque
certified by a bank or trust corporation payable to the municipality and
representing at least 20 per cent of the tender amount.
Except as follows, the municipality makes no representation regarding the
title to or any other matters relating to the lands to be sold. Responsibility for
ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers.
This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal Tax
Sales Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will be required
to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and the relevant land
transfer tax.
The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the
successful purchaser.
Note: G.S.T. may be payable by successful purchaser.
For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the prescribed form
of tender, visit or contact:
Stephanie Scheuermann
Revenue Associate
The Corporation of the Municipality of Wawa
P.O. Box 500
40 Broadway Avenue
Wawa, Ontario P0S 1K0
(705) 856-2244 Ext. 227